Chapter 31 - I have to pee.

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Connor's POV:

Olivia didn't come home last night.

I'm freaking out, I don't know where she could be. Allison said she wasn't with her, Ethan and Grayson haven't answered my texts. They're probably still sleeping. I even texted Chris because I just needed to check in with everyone, but she's not there.

She doesn't answer anyone's texts. Not Ella's and not Allison's. Of course she won't answer mine.

When Olivia leaves the house, she comes back at night. This is the first time she's actually left. I'm worried, I didn't think she meant it.

"Ella we need to go look for her." I said as I finished getting ready.
"What if she's on her way here? Let's give her until ten Con." She said. Ella is worried, I've never seen her like this before.

There was a knock at the door and I ran towards the door to open it.

It's Allison.

"Is she home yet?" She asked as I let her in.
"No." I said and let out a sigh.

Where the hell can she be?

My last hope is Ethan and Grayson but I doubt she'd run to them. Yeah she's been getting to know the two but Olivia wouldn't run to them. She wouldn't run with Chris either, though I thought she did because I thought they had a thing.

"Why did she leave?" Allison asked. I felt a sense of guilt take over me. This is all my fault, I know it is. I shouldn't have said anything I said yesterday.

I shouldn't have let my stress get to me and treat her like shit. I just felt like shit telling my mom we couldn't help her. Olivia right away said no when I told her about it. My mom and Olivia didn't have the best relationship, I shouldn't have been so surprised. But I just thought she was being too cold.

I explained to Allison everything and she told me the same thing Ella said, it's not my fault.


Olivia's POV:

"Gray!" I giggled softly as he planted kisses on my neck. He pulled away and admired me.

We're currently just in his bed. He's sitting up and I'm in his lap.

"What are you in the mood for?" He asked as his hands rest on my lower back.
"Pancakes" I said happily, Grayson loves making pancakes and I find it adorable. He smiled brightly and nodded.

"Let's go wash up." He said as he held my thighs as he got up from the bed. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held on.

He walked over to his bathroom and sat me down on the counter and he smiled. He leaned in and we shared a passionate kiss.

"You look hot in my shirt." He said breathlessly as he pulled away slightly from the kiss. He pressed his forehead against mine.
"Thank you." I said shyly as I couldn't stop smiling. I felt my cheeks warm as he kept the eye contact.

His hands gripped my thighs as he continued the kiss. I felt his tongue slip into my mouth and tangle around with mine. The kiss was getting heated quickly, yet there wasn't any sexual tension. We just craved each other's lips. His hand made it towards my neck and his hand rested on the side of my neck.

"Grayson." I said between our kiss. He pulled away to catch his breath, we were both out of breath. I admired him as he stared into my eyes.
"You ready for some pancakes?" He asked as he smirked. I laughed softly and nodded.

We started washing up, he went to go take shower in Ethan's bathroom because we just aren't there yet to shower together. I changed in the bathroom, Grayson offered to have one of his hoodies but I settled for my clothing. I didn't want to take more from him.

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