Chapter 8 - Virginity.

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Grayson's POV:

Olivia's been avoiding me and ignoring me these past two weeks after what went down that night. She's been hanging out more with Ethan, which I hate. I'm surprised Connor hasn't made him do anything, which bothers me as well because I don't understand why he made me do it.

Nonetheless, Ethan's getting closer to her and I hate it. I hate that he's the one getting closer with her and not me. I asked him if he likes her but he quickly denied it, I still don't believe him. I had to remind him about the pact we made with Connor, though it's very ironic that I'm telling him because I like her.

I've been on the fence on how I feel about her but I've just fully accepted it. She's in denial, she's pushing the feelings away because of the group pact of no dating or hooking up within the group.

"Olivia." I called her name as she walked into the kitchen, I'm sitting down at the table.

She's been working out with us more but she'll skip some days because I'm around. That's when Ethan decides to skip too and he works out with her. That's exactly where she's heading, she's getting her waters and walking to the gym.

"Olivia." I call her again, slightly raising my voice but not enough for anyone to catch on. She ignored me again.

I get up and go up to her, I take ahold of her wrist and pinned them against the wall. First her eyes widen but she quickly tried to cover it up by rolling her eyes.

"Stop ignoring me." I said.
"Then leave me alone." She said harshly as she made eye contact with me.

She's so stubborn.

"No, I like you Olivia." I said as I leaned in. My eyes were on her lips, I just want to kiss her.
"You don't know what you're saying." She said with a sarcastic chuckle.

"I do, want me to show you?" I asked with my eyebrow raising. She didn't say anything, her breath hitched. My fingers lift her chin upwards to me, her eyes trailed down towards my lips then my eyes. I leaned in closer.

"Don't Grayson." Her voice came out weak, yet she didn't move away.

My lips brushed against hers and her breath hitched again, her hands escaped my grip and rested along my neck.

Just as I leaned in closer she pulled away quickly as if she heard something. I turned around to look at her and furrowed my eyebrows. What happened?

"Hey guys." Ethan's voice filled the kitchen.

That's why.

"Hey." She said with a smile but her voice is slightly shaky. Her eyes met mine but quickly looked away to look at Ethan.


Olivia's POV:

He almost kissed me, that was too close. My body froze, I couldn't move. It's like I wanted to feel his lips on mine.

Do I like him?
Absolutely not.

I just need more guys in my life, I need to find that guy from the party last time. He's really cute.

"Hey Ethan." I said as I'm out of breath, we just finished working out. He looked up at me, his face is slightly red. He looks so hot, usually he's disgusting after his workouts but his hair is long and messy.

"Have you hooked up with a girl at a party?" I randomly asked, I felt my cheeks heat up.
"No." He said as he thought about it but stuck with his answer.

"Why?" He asked as he got up and wiped the sweat off his forehead. His back is facing me.
"Just wondering. I was slightly nervous that night I was about to." I admit and laughed nervously.

Ethan and I are close and all but I'm still not use to opening up about my thoughts on some things.

"Are you still a virgin?" He asked, still facing away from me.
"Yeah, are you?" I asked shyly. He shook his head in disagreement. I mean, what did I expect? He's really attractive. I'm sure he can get any girl he wants.

A comfortable silence fell between us as we started gathering our things to go wash up.

"Do you want to lose your virginity soon?" He asked, but he didn't look in my direction.
"Well, It doesn't matter. It's something I'd definitely want to experience soon." I admit as I finished up and waited for him.

He didn't say anything, he just nodded. Once he was ready, he shot me a smile and we headed back to our rooms. He headed to the guest room.


"I really don't want to go!" I complain as Connor was trying his best to get me out of my bed.
"C'mon Olivia! You do this every week!" He complained as he finally pulled my covers away. I threw a pillow at him.

I'm so tired. That workout really wasn't a joke.

"You guys can go without me!" I whined even more.
"No, you're coming with us Olivia." He said as he walked out of my room.


I let out a sigh and roll around in bed for a few more minutes until there was a knock at my door.
"Come in." I yelled, it can't be Connor cause he doesn't knock.

"Hey do you have my sweater?" Ethan's voice filled my room as he popped his head through the door way.
"Yeah it's over there." I said as I pointed at a chair in my room. I hear him walk in and I manage to get myself out of bed as I complain slightly.

"You washed it?" He asked as he noticed that it didn't smell like him anymore.
"Yeah." I said as he tossed it over his shoulder and sent me a warm smile.

I love his smile, it's adorable.

I smiled back before he walked out of my room and I started getting ready for the party.

I just need a break from this, a getaway would be perfect for me and everyone else. I might need to talk to Connor about this.

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