Chapter 14 - Getaway.

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"You guys ready?" Connor yelled from downstairs as Ella, Allison, and I were finished packing up our suit case.

We decided we're going to Australia for two weeks, we wanted to do three but that might be pushing it.

"Yeah!" Ella yelled. They're ready, I'm not ready.
"Do you need any help?" Ella asked as I'm struggling to close my suit case, I shook my head in disagreement.

They both started getting their luggage downstairs, the boys came up and helped them bring their suitcases downstairs.

I looked around to see if I missed anything before actually closing my suit case. I'm afraid of leaving behind something important, how terrifying.

"Hey." Grayson's voice filled my room as he opened the door and watched me. I turn around and smile.
He closed the door and walked over to me, his eyes were on my suit case.

"I got it." I said as I struggled to close the stupid thing. I was sitting on it and he tried getting me off of it.

"No you don't, let me help." He said with a chuckle as he tried picking me up but I pushed him away. He got ahold of my waist and picked me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist. I buried my face into his neck while giggling softly.

"How excited are you?" He asked as he continued to carry me.
"So excited! I've been waiting for this to come true for a while now. I can't believe Connor agreed to it." I admitted as I looked off in the distance. He just admired me as I talked, he would smile which would distract me and he found it cute.

Eventually he helped me close the suitcase and helped me move them all downstairs.

"Alrighty, I'm all ready." I said slightly out of breath as I approached everyone in the living room, Grayson came around and rested his hand on my lower back.

"What did you carry them downstairs?" Connor said jokingly, referring to my suitcases. I just rolled my eyes and looked away from him. Grayson flashed me a smile and I felt myself lighten up.


We ended up leaving our apartment to head to the airport. We decided to get some food before we got there. It was good, I'm just really nervous about the whole plane situation. My excitement and nervousness are mixing together.

We're currently seated, I have the window seat.
Ella and Allison are sitting with me and in front of us are the boys. Grayson has the window seat as well. I wanted to sit next to Grayson but that would've been way too obvious and out the ordinary.

I'm not sure what to do during this long flight, I might just listen to music and catch some sleep.


The flight was long. I ended up just sleeping the whole flight, though I'm still exhausted. The jet lag will be real here.

We're currently on our way to the house we rented out for two weeks, I heard it's stunning. We all have our own rooms which I'm so thankful for.

"You okay?" Grayson whispered into my ear, his voice caused shivers throughout my body. I looked over at him and smiled then nodded. He smiled too, his eyes trailed down to my lips. I teasingly bit my bottom lip, he licked his lips and looked back at me.

"We're here!" Allison yelled and we both looked towards her direction.

Once we parked, we were greeted with this big beautiful house. It's absolutely stunning and huge We all ran into the house and everyone picked out their room. Grayson and I tried to pick rooms that are close to each other. Which was hard because that would mean that Ethan would also pick a room by him. We found a room that's perfect, I just felt bad because Ethan's room is a little farther down from Grayson's.

"Hey, I should let Ethan have this room. I don't want to keep you two away." I told Grayson as he helped me with the luggage into my room.
"No, it's fine." He said quickly as he looked over at me.

I can't do that, this isn't right of me.

"No Grayson, you guys are always close to each other. I just can't." I stumble on my words as Grayson made his way over to me. He placed his finger on my lips, signaling to stop.

He slowly laid me down in my bed and got on top of me. He connected our lips, we shared a slow passionate kiss. My hand rested along his jawline as his fingers rested on mine. He slipped his tongue into my mouth and danced around with mine. I wrapped my arms around Grayson's neck. His hands held onto my waist as his lips trailed down towards my neck. Having him leave wet kisses along my skin made my heart flutter, it calm down my nerves. He knew how to clam me down.

"Don't feel bad." He said in between each kiss, our hands met and interlocked with each other.

"He doesn't even care, he'll still think that's close." He said before he started softly sucking on my sweet spot. A soft whimper escaped my lips, I let go of his hand and tangled my hands into his soft long hair. He always complained about needing a haircut but this was a perfect length. He pulled away slightly and his lips trailed further down. I bit my bottom lip as I watched him.

"How does sex in Australia sound?" He asked as he raised his eyebrow. The kisses trailed back up towards my lips.

"Grayson." I felt my cheeks heat up quickly, I probably look like a tomato. I hate how red I can get when I blush, it's a weird insecurity of mine.

"I'm a virgin." I admit shyly as my eyes avoided his. I can't believe I'm still a virgin, it's embarrassing to me.
"Why are you embarrassed?" Grayson's eyes met mine and he lightly chuckled. Many reasons.

"I'm twenty one and still a virgin." I laugh at myself and he gave me a questioning look.
"And? There's nothing wrong with that." He said as he kissed my lips again. My hands rested on his chest as I felt like my body is on cloud 9. It felt as if love is consuming me.

"Don't be embarrassed, I think it's cute. You're innocent." He smiled between our kiss before he pulled away. I laughed softly.

We stared at each other and cuddled for a while until we heard someone coming up the stairs. We quickly got off the the bed and started pretending that he's helping me unpack.

"Hey!" Connor's voice filled the room.

My heart sank, he always makes things awkward and takes things out of context quick.

"Hey." Grayson greeted back causally.

"We just got food so come down after you guys are done." He said before closing the door and walking back down the stairs. I let out a sigh and sat down on the dresser that's in the room.

"I hate having to hide us." I admit. Grayson came over to me and hugged me tightly. I love being in his arms, they make me feel so safe. I've never felt like this before, none of this before.

"Don't worry, we'll figure out something. For now, lets have fun with all the adrenaline we get from almost getting caught." He said as he pulled away, a smirk was plastered on his face.

He's right.
Let's make this as fun as possible.

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