Aries: fight me
Taurus: ill never share my food with you again you're not a true friend
Gemini: *acts like nothing's wrong* *creates a diabolical plan to embarrass you in front of your crush*
Cancer: *cries* *stabs you with a knife* *cries while burying your dead body*
don't mess with us cancersLeo: its because im too good for you and you're jealous of me loser
ugh wish i had this confidenceVirgo: did i do something to offend you?!?
Libra: *believes you when you said you didn't*
libra's are too pure sometimesScorpio: *makes your boyfriend cheat on you* *ruins your life*
what a nice way to seek revengeSagittarius: oh well what can you do, you weren't important to me anyway
respectCapricorn: *talks about them back* *spreads rumors* *doesn't talk to you for 432852094707 years*
Aquarius: why would you do this to me im such a good friend?!?!
Pisces: *waterfalls pool out of their eyes* *invites you for cake the next day*
*cough* pisces are kinda hypocritical *COUGH*
*cough* but really everybody is a bit of a hypocrite *COUGH*
Zodiac Facts!
Kurgu OlmayanYou want to learn about your Zodiac or your friend's Zodiac sign? You've come to the right book! We keep it clean, too! :p