Chapter Thirty Two

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The rest of my day was like a blur, everything just whizzed right passed me. There's only a few things that I can honestly say I remember. Like, for instance, when Cooper put his arm around me and smiled. " I knew you could do it, I'm proud." There was something about the way he said it to me, something about how his eyes looked in the sunlight given from the windows of the cafeteria. I sat there, staring at him and trying to decipher what it was in his voice that had my insides throwing a circus. At the end of the day, I just didn't have any answers.

As he drove me home, he actually sung,  and what's even stranger is that it relaxed me and I found myself liking to hear his voice. He must have sensed my lull because he stopped harmonizing with Josh Turner long enough to look over at me. I tried to say something like: watch the road, but we were at a stop sign on an empty road and I could come up with nothing else.

" What's on your mind," he asked me, blinking.

" Nothing," I said, shrugging and looking out the window, wanting to hide from his searching eyes. I don't know if he believed me, but he didn't say nothing else other than 'see you tomorrow' when I got out of the car. I shook my head, maybe I was still just showing side effects from the other night.

I got home to find that my mother was gone, but she'd left me a note so that I wouldn't worry.

                                               Went out to Lunch. Be back later Lilly

                                                                       -------- Mom.

 Okay, I told myself as I instinctively went to open the fridge and see what was inside. Mostly, there was  fresh produce and vegetables, but I somehow managed to find a cup of banana smoothie towards the back----it was probably hidden by my mom. Humming to myself and smiling, I pulled a spoon from a drawer and then began to eat the smooth, chilled, delicacy. My senses screamed in delight and I became very happy that I'd found the tasty snack.

As I ate, I managed to remember that I had a reading assignment in health ( Strange right?) and I went over to my book bag to find the article. I whistled as I retrieved the magazine and then went to the back door to let myself out. Once I was sat in one of the iron chairs, I  opened the magazine and began to search for an article that spoke about how Diet related to pregnancy. Ugh.

I was flipping through the first pages of the article when the snap of a twig in the distance stole my attention. A little startled, I raised my head to find none other than Marcus stepping through the tree line and onto my backyard, a tool belt around his waist. Not really up to seeing him, I closed the magazine and raised an accusing brow at him. " What are you doing here," I asked when he approached me close enough to hear, and crossed my arms for extra emphasis.

Much to my annoyance, an amused smirk bloomed over his face and he raised a brow to mirror my own. " Apparently," he said, his voice heavily lilted with his enjoyment, " the sink in the kitchen is totalled. Your mom called earlier and asked if I could take a look." I had no clue the sink was broken, so this was news to me.

" And what makes you think you can fix it," I challenged, no mercy in my tone. He scoffed and made a sweeping hand motion towards his tool belt as if to say: Helloooo. Rolling my eyes, I stood and led him into the house, not really thrilled to be alone with him while he tinkered on the appliances of my home.

He didn't move to the kitchen as soon as I would have liked him too, instead he stopped near the door and scanned me with his cool green eyes. I held still under his gaze, not wanting to show weakness through how uncomfortable he made me. Pleased with whatever he was looking at, he cleared his throat and crossed his arms. " They discharged you from the hospital pretty quick," he stated, his stare less intense.

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