Chapter Three

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As soon as the lecture was over (F/N) and I sprinted out of the stuffy room just to catch some fresh air. The lecture room always smelled of really bad B.O. and old people. There was also no circulation which made everything worse. As we caught our breath just outside the building, I noticed the same man from before. He stood by a tree in the distance and seemed to be staring right through me, I glanced behind me to see if he was looking at someone else, but when I turned back, he was gone. (F/N) set a hand on my shoulder as she stood up.

"You wanna go out?" She questioned. I smiled at her request, but it soon faded as I remembered my drunk douche of a step-dad.

"I need to go home first." I sighed, sadness obviously lacing my voice.

"I'll come with you." (F/N) smiled. I shook my head but she cut me off before I could intervene.

"You know I'm not taking 'no' as an answer (Y/N)." She smiled. I shook my head again but gave in and we began to walk to my house, and my awaiting drunk douche of a step-dad.

I quietly clicked the door opened and put a finger to my lips, telling (F/N) to be quiet. She nodded and we walked through the dimly lit hallway toward my room. As I opened my bedroom door, I saw my drunk step-douche standing in the middle of the room, bottle of beer in one hand, and a knife in the other. When he caught sight of me, his featured softened and I saw something in him that I had only ever seen once before. Care. He stepped toward me, lowering his knife and snaked his arms around my waist, pulling me into a tight hug. I embraced him back. This was so rare ever since my mom passed away and being in an embrace with someone you've only ever dreamed of moving far away from was an odd feeling, for sure, but there was a soft undertone of warmth and comfort. That was all suddenly cut short by a sharp pain, starting in my back and rushing through the rest of my body. Thick crimson blood caught in my throat as I tried to breath. I tried to scream or speak, but nothing came out. I couldn't do anything but see my step-father morph from himself to someone else. I'd recognized the new face before me though. A bright green poof underneath his black hoodie gave it all away. My eyes trailed down his features, but stopped short at his eyes. They had neon green irises that seemed radioactive to even look at and his pupils looked black, but upon closer inspection were actually a deep red. I gasped as the knife in my back twisted and caused another surge of pain to shoot trough my aching body.

I felt something tap my shoulder and my eyes snapped open. I looked to see (F/N)'s face masked with worry. My body was engulfed in a cold sweat and the intense pain from my back had subsided as I had woken up.

"It was all a dream?" I muttered to myself as I looked around at my surroundings I was back in the lecture room with the teacher still going on about... something, I couldn't care less about. I slipped my phone out of my bag and turned it on to check the time. To my surprise it was about 9:45, which meant only 15 more minutes of this hell.

"Oh, you think this is hell? Well, this is heaven compared to what I can do to you, Sweetheart."

A voice echoed through my ears and bounced around in my skull. I could almost feel the hot breath of the person who had said it against my cold ear. I looked around to see if someone had whispered to me, but (F/N) and I were in the back. I sighed and tuned back into the lecture, figuring if I fell asleep  again, I'd get an even worse nightmare.

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