Chapter Eight

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 In the distance I could hear what sounded like a door being shut and a light switch being flicked on, or off. I couldn't tell as my eyes were still closed and a light blanket of unconsciousness covered my mind. I felt a hand on my chin lift my face up gently. I knew it was Anti, but I hated his touch. It all brought back memories of what I assumed was the day before when he kissed me, and it reminded me of my step-dad slapping me and abusing me for the past 20 ish years of my life. Anti forcefully let my chin go, making my head fall. My eyes shot open as Anti slapped me across the face.

"Ow!" I hissed, tears pricking my eyes, "What was that for?"

"Your dream." Anti replied with an angered smirk spread across his sadistic face.

"What?" I questioned, looking at him dumbfounded and confused.

"You were dreaming of... him." Anti hissed, saying 'him' as if it were poison.

"Who?" I asked out of curiosity.

"The guy from the bar." He mumbled under his breath, as if ashamed to say it.

"Mark?" I questioned in disbelief. Anti's radioactive green eyes sharply met mine, filled with rage.

"Don't. Say his name." Anti ordered. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Anyway," He said, his features softening ever so slightly as he changed the subject. "You must be punished."

"What!?" I exclaimed, thinking I heard him wrong. Although, to my dismay, indeed he said 'punishment'.

"First off, for thinking about...him, and I didn't get to last time we met." Anti's smile that followed his words were a mix of a childish smile, and a sadistic evil one. He then walked over to a metal table to the right of me. I couldn't tell exactly what was on the table, but I assumed something bad.

"Sorry I can't control what I think." I mocked as Anti inspected the objects on the table. He picked up a butcher knife and looked at me through it's reflection as he spoke.

"No, but maybe I can." He smirked before putting down the knife and picking up a smaller one, then walked over to me. Fear was plastered on my face, but not intense fear, as I lived with an insane drunken man.

"Don't worry, Sweetheart~ I won't kill you... yet~" He then bent down and lifted the bottom of my dress slightly, then sliding the knife into it and dragging it up my stomach and body. He gently pushed the cut edges of the dress to the sides and admired my body. A deep crimson blush covered my face as Anti's eyes danced across my skin.

"H-Hey!" I squeaked, wanting him to stop staring.

"Oh, don't worry, Sweetheart. Nothing I haven't seen before~" Anti winked before going back to the table.

"WHAT!?" I cried, the deep blush on my face becoming darker from embarrassment and anger. Anti just chuckled as he walked back over to me with a small pocket knife in his hand.

"Now to claim you as mine~" He purred in my ear before gently pressing the knife into my lower abdomen. Anti dragged the knife upward at an angle then pulled in downward to the opposite angle. More tears pricked my eyes as I refused screaming or whimpering. A few tears breaking loose and making their way down my cheeks.

"I'm almost done, Sweetheart~" Anti purred, trying to comfort me as I shut my eyes tight and let a couple more tears fall. He then cut a line across the middle of my stomach to connect the two lines to create an 'A' in the middle of my stomach. I looked down at the cuts, thick crimson blood dripped down from the corners. As I stared at my stomach in disbelief, Anti sat on my lap and gently pulled my chin upward, making me look at his face.

"It's not that bad, Sweetheart~" Anti insisted as he pushed one edge of my dress away and inspected his work. His hand then snaking around my waist and pulling himself closer toward me. His other hand gripping my neck slightly and leaning down. Anti's lips locked with mine. I tried to pull away but he pulled me closer then before and hissed against my lips at my actions. When he finally let go and pulled away, I tried to back away as far as I could, but Anti rested his hands on my hips and kept me close.

"What was that for?" I mumbled out of disgust and genuine curiosity.

"To make you uncomfortable." Anti smirked down facing me. His piercing green eyes burning into my innocent (eye color) eyes.

 We sat like this for awhile. Anti staring into my soul, and my innocent eyes staring back in return. His fingers were gently gripped on my chin, keeping my lips ever so slightly apart. I could tell his eyes were laced with something, but I couldn't tell what. The man before me was a complete mystery.

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