Chapter Seventeen

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When I woke up, Anti was laying on his back staring up at the ceiling and my head was resting on his chest while his arm was wrapped around me. I looked up at him, making him look down at me with a smile.

"Have you been up all night?" I asked, concerned.

"Yeah, but I'll be fine." Anti replied looking back up at the ceiling, "How are you doing?"

"I don't know. I feel a lot better than yesterday... that's for sure." I answered with a sigh.

"Can I check your cuts?" Anti questioned concerned. I nodded in reply as Anti got up and began to unwrap my bandages. Looking away, I felt him gently poke my bruises, making me wince quietly. Once Anti wrapped my cuts back up he joined me on the bed again.

"You're healing up nicely." Anti smiled, placing a kiss on my forehead. "I knew you were strong."

"Hey, Anti?" I questioned, looking up at him.

"Hm?" Anti hummed in response.

"Why did you kidnap me in the first place?" I asked nervously. Anti stayed silent for a minute in thought, before letting out a sigh.

"I was walking down the street one night and saw you in the window. I thought you're beautiful and I wanted you to be mine. The next day I watched you go to school and told you, you'd look beautiful in all those dresses." Anti smirked looking down at me, making me blush slightly. "You met Mark at the club and then that night I took you."

"So... you took me because you thought I was cute?" I smirked looking up at Anti.

"Maybe..." Anti chuckled looking down at me with lust in his eyes. I blushed and looked away but he gently pulled my chin to make me look up at him. Anti turned to be on top of me while forcing me to keep eye contact. He leaned down slowly and began to kiss me gently. I kissed back happily and pulled him closer to me. Anti kept himself propped above me so he wouldn't hurt me, but I pulled him closer to kiss him more. I propped myself up as Anti slowly pushed me against the headboard, never breaking the kiss. He crawled up my body until he was sitting up and pulled me onto his lap.

When we finally pulled away from each other, Anti's eyes were full of lust as he stared deeply into my (Eye Color) eyes. My cheeks heated up with blush and I turned away, looking through the window and seeing the sun just starting to rise.

"Don't cover your face. You're so beautiful." Anti smirked, moving my jaw to look at him and separating my lips ever so slightly. I felt my cheeks heat up more and my eyes leave Anti's face.

"Look at me~," He said seductively. I shook my head slightly and kept my eyes on the wall.

"Don't be stubborn~" Anti begged. I shook my head again and shut my eyes. Hearing Anti sigh, I felt proud of myself, until I felt Anti gently poke my side directly on a bruise.

"Hey!" I hissed opening my eyes and looking into Anti's bright green ones, then noticing a sly smirk plastered on his face. He leaned in and kissed me passionately before getting out of bed and going to his closet. He threw me a pair of pajama pants and a shirt for me to wear.

After I got dressed, Anti and I left his room, his arm tightly around my waist. We entered the kitchen and Dark was nowhere to be found, which I was really relieved about and so was Anti, as he gently released his grip on my waist ever so slightly. We walked into the kitchen when Anti noticed a note on the counter from Dark. I caught a glimpse of it before Anti took it out of my view.

Dear Anti,

I'm out of the deal. You can have her. She's clearly not gonna make a decision any time soon. I'm going out to meet someone else. I'll be home later tonight.


"What deal?" I questioned looking at Anti.

"Nothing. It doesn't concern you." He replied quickly, crushing the note and throwing it away.

"It clearly does! It says that you can have me, and what decision am I not going to make any time soon?" I asked getting out of Anti's grasp. Anti just looked at me ashamed, dumbfounded, and confused.

(751 Words)

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