Chapter Sixteen

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My body ached. I felt broken. If I didn't want to die earlier, I did now. I opened my eyes and was welcomed with the orange lighting of the sunset through a window in Dark's room. I looked down at my stomach, which I regretted quickly. My stomach was covered in blood, cuts, and bruises. My throat was dry and sour from screaming, but the gag was still covering it. My eyes were dry from the tears. My wrists were raw and sour, still chained above my head. I looked up at the scars on my forearm to see then uncovered and reopened. My pants were also off and a trail of cuts lined my thighs. I wanted to cry, but I had no tears left. My eyes were dry and sour, and my throat felt like a broken desert.

"How do you feel?" Dark asked calmly as he entered the room from his bathroom. I hated seeing him, remembering what he did to me. I tried to sit up and move away from him as he started to walk over, but my body hurt so bad, it refused to move. I began to cry and pout as Dark sat on the bed next to me.

"Sorry about all this." Dark said, gesturing to the cuts and bruises covering my body. I didn't dare speak, in fear that he would do something else to me. Dark leaned closer to me and untied the cloth around my mouth. I tried to speak but my mouth and throat were so sour and aching.

"A-Anti?" Was all I could squeak out. Dark's features stiffened at his name.

"He's outside the door. He didn't leave all night." Dark said harshly. I looked toward the door, then back at Dark with pleading eyes. He sighed but got up and walked over to the door and unlocked it to let Anti fall into the room. Anti woke up quickly, got up, and the second he saw Dark, he punched him in the face. Then, Anti raced over to my side and inspected my stomach, legs and arms.

"(Y/N)..." Anti sighed.

"A-Anti." I tried to say. My voice hoarse, dry, and almost gone.

"Come here (Y/N)." Anti said quietly as he unlocked my wrists and picked me up bridal style. He carried me to his room and gently laid me on his bed, locking the door to keep Dark out. Anti got a small wet towel from the bathroom and began to gently clean up my stomach. I winced as the water entered the cuts.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you (Y/N)." Anti sighed as he cleaned the cuts from my stomach, then moved down to my thighs, and up to my wrists.

"A-Anti." I said, making him look up at me. I tried to sit up and pull him closer but my body didn't listen. Instead my hand just rested on his cheek. Anti set his hand over mine and kissed my palm softly. A small smile morphed onto my lips as Anti kept cleaning up my stomach, legs, and arms.

After bandaging my cuts Anti gently rubbed my stomach, thinking and sighing. When my stomach growled, Anti looked up at me with a hurt face.

"I'll go get you some food and water. I'll be right back." Anti stood up and placed a kiss on my forehead, then left the room.

When Anti returned, he was carrying a tray with some food and water on it. He set the tray on the bedside table and helped me sit up gently. Anti then handed me the tray and I began to eat. It hurt to swallow the chunks of food down my throat, but my stomach was very full and happy. I gulped down the water in seconds and Anti cleaned up the dishes, placing them on the bedside table and sitting next to me on the bed.

"Thank you, Anti." I said snuggling into his chest and wrapping my arms around him.

"Of course." Anti replied, gently pulling me closer to him. "You'll stay with me until you feel better."

I nodded in reply and agreement as I cuddled closer to Anti. I refused to let myself fall asleep in fear of Dark coming, but my body kept wanting to fall asleep.

"Sleep (Y/N). I won't leave your side." Anti whispered, rubbing my back gently. I nodded and let my eyes close and sleep fall over me.

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