Chapter Eleven

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Warmth embraced me as I began to wake up. I felt around and quickly realized I was in a bed. I opened my eyes and was met with dark green silk sheets, black walls with white trim and black carpeting. The room was a neat mess. It looked like someone tried to clean it but accidentally made it worse in doing so. I figured I was in Anti's room from all the green and black. Slowly, I tried to sit up but stopped midway as a terrible migraine refused that I get out of bed. So I laid back down and winced in pain from my raw wrists and head. I heard a door open, which I assumed was the bedroom door, and the mattress gently sank on the other side of the bed. I slid over to whoever was on the bed and wrapped my arms around them, then resting my head on their chest. Feeling them hug back made me smile and feel better. Soon, I felt their chest vibrate as they chuckled. I opened my eyes and looked up at who I was hugging. I was met with a shirtless Dark with a big smirk on his face. I let go and tried to push away him away from me, but he had a tight grip on my waist so it was no use. Dark pushed me onto the mattress and laid on top of me with his hands on either side of my head. His deep crimson eyes stared at me hungrily. He began to lean down but I turned my head and put my hands on his chest to try and push him away.

"That was cute~" Dark cooed, forcing me to look up at him. He easily leaned down and began kissing me despite me pushing him away with all my strength. His hands began to wander up and down my sides, which is when I realized I was just wearing a bra and underwear, thanks to Anti cutting my dress. My cheeks began to heat up from embarrassment. I felt Dark's lips morph into a smirk against mine. After what felt like an eternity, Dark's lips began to trail down my jaw and neck. He nibbled and kissed, leaving a trail of bruises before finding my sweet spot, but I refused to moan and give him the satisfaction. Dark chuckled at my childishness, sending vibrations into my neck, making me let out a small moan.

"WHAT THE F*** IS GOING ON HERE!?" Anti yelled, making Dark stop and turn to the door where Anti was standing angrily.

"Lighten up, Anti. She was enjoying it." Dark said, smirking down at me. My cheeks became flushed with an even darker crimson blush. I tried to pull the sheets over my head to hide my face and body from the world, but Dark wouldn't let me and kept pulling the sheets off every time I tried.

"Dark. What did we talk about last night?" Anti asked, obviously rhetorically as he shoved Dark off me and pulled me closer to him. I watched Dark look down in shame before getting off the bed and leaving the room.

"Are you okay?" Anti asked, inspecting my face and glancing up and down my body before finally landing on my neck, covered in bruises from Dark. Anti hissed as he saw them, before pulling me tightly into his chest.

"He didn't do anything else, did he?" He asked with concern as he pulled away gently. I shook my head and Anti pulled me back into a tight hug.

Anti let go of me and made his way over to his closet, returning to me with a pair of sweatpants and a black hoodie.

"Thanks." I sheepishly said, while getting dressed.

"Ya know, you look really cute in my clothes~" Anti smirked, making me blush. "Ya hungry?" I nodded as my stomach rumbled, remembering that the last thing I had to eat or drink was water maybe a week ago.

Anti lead me out of the room and downstairs to a small kitchen and dining table across from a pretty nice living room.

"There's pancakes on the counter." Dark informed me with a wink from the couch. Anti's chest vibrated with a growl toward Dark, but he lead me over to the counter and fixed me a plate of pancakes.

As I ate, Anti leaned closer to me from across the counter.

"Do you want to go on a date with me tonight?" He whispered, probably making sure Dark didn't hear. I almost choked at his words. What? I questioned myself, thinking I heard him wrong.

"You heard me." Anti smirked with a chuckle. My mind began to flood with questions, but I continued to eat my pancakes as I tried to think if I should or not.

"How bout an answer by lunch?" Anti said, more as a statement than a question. I quietly nodded in reply and he placed a quick kiss on my forehead before going to his room. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in as I placed my plate in the sink and a pair of arms snaked their way around my waist.

"Hey, Cutie~" Dark purred into my ear. I turned around to face Dark as he kept his hands on my hips. As I opened my mouth to respond, Dark quickly locked our lips in a deep kiss. I sighed as he pulled away with a smirk on his face.

"How about we go out to dinner tonight? Just the two of us." Dark asked with a wink. My mind flooded with questions and worries. Were they doing this on purpose? I just sighed and looked down in response.

"Can I have an answer by lunch?" He asked lifting my chin to meet my eyes. I slowly nodded in response and he kissed my forehead gently before leaving to his room. Sighing, I rubbed my temples to try and think of what to do. Either go on a date with Dark, or Anti. I knew that whoever I didn't pick would be mad at the other, and me. I could either choose both, or neither if I wanted to live.

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