Chapter Eighteen

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Anti and I spent a wonderful carefree day together while Dark was out 'finding someone else' as he said in his note. Speaking of that blasted little piece of paper, I dropped it once I realized Anti didn't want to share. I respected his boundaries and I didn't want to anger him by prying. When the front door opened at twilight, Anti physically tensed and gripped my waist a bit tighter than before. Dark made his way in the house while making out with a blonde girl. Her face covered thanks to their faces being smashed on one another. I sighed turning my attention at Anti, who just glared at Dark.

When the two finally pulled away for air, Dark kept his arm around the girl's waist and stepped into the living room. Now that I could tell what she looked like, I mentally cringed. She had long blonde hair, electric blue eyes, and wore a tight pink dress that stopped about mid-thigh. She was your average high school popular girl, and I hated it.

"Hello, (Y/N), Anti," Dark smirked although it faded as he said Anti's name. "This is Stephanie. Stephanie, this is (Y/N) and Anti." Dark introduced gesturing toward each of us. I cringed when he said my name. It reminded me of the pain he put me through.

"Hey (Y/N), Anti. Nice to meet you!" Stephanie smiled warmly, not leaving her place glued to Dark's side.

"Dark?" Anti hissed through gritted teeth, "Can we talk for a minute?" Dark nodded, giving Stephanie a passionate kiss before following Anti down the hall toward his room.

Once the boys were gone, Stephanie joined me on the couch with a warm smile plastered on her face.

"So you and Anti, huh?" She smirked. I sighed, questioning if this girl was blind or just plain dumb.

"No. We're siblings," I said plainly, annoyance lacing my voice as well as humor. Stephanie looked shocked for a moment before hitting my arm gently and giggling.

"I didn't know you're so funny, (Y/N)." She smiled, her bright white teeth practically glowing. "I wonder why Dark didn't mention you. All he talked about was Anti and the fact that he was tired of being picked last. Whatever that means."

Stephanie may have shaken off her own words, but they seemed to stick to me like they had some sort of importance. Picked last? I inquired myself, although it didn't last long as Dark and Anti returned to the living room. Anti's face told me he was less tense than before but still annoyed toward Dark. Stephanie and I stood up in unison as they entered. Dark wrapped his arm around Stephanie's waist while Anti wrapped his arm around mine.

"Oh!" Stephanie cried, glancing at the clock on the microwave. "I've gotta go. I have work tomorrow. Night Darkipoo." Her and Dark shared a passionate kiss before she headed out the door. Anti sighed as Dark lounged on the couch and turned on the TV. Anti lead me to his room and shut the door taking a deep breath.

"What's wrong?" I questioned, both of us taking a seat on the bed.

"I need to take care of some business." Anti sighed. I nodded, not thinking anything of it.

"Oh?" I inquired, wanting to know more.

"I'll be back tomorrow morning, meaning you'll be here alone with Dark tonight. Will you be okay with that?" Anti huffed, looking into my eyes. Fear set in quickly as Anti spoke. I'd have to be home alone with Dark... ALL NIGHT!?

"I--I don't know." I sighed.

"I know he hurt you. But, if he touches you at all, he'll regret it in the morning." Venom dripped from Anti's words as he probably thought back to when Dark hurt me a few days ago.

"Promise?" I asked, still scared.

"I promise, (Y/N). Just stay here with the door locked and sleep. I'll be back before you know it." Anti replied, placing a sweet kiss on my forehead. I nodded with a sigh as Anti got up to leave. My mouth opened, about to speak, but it shut as Anti made his way down the hall and out the front door. My breathing was unsteady and scared at first, then I stood up. For some reason, my legs lead me to the kitchen and I began to make tea. I guess I was trying to calm myself.

As I sipped the warm liquid, my nerves began to fade and I felt calm.

"(Y/N)?" Dark's voice asked from behind me. I just hummed in response, not wanting to meet his eyes.

"I'm sorry about hurting you." Dark huffed then continued. "Will you forgive me?"

I was shocked, to say the least at his words. He couldn't be sorry for hurting me, could he?

"F--Forgive you?" I scoffed in disbelief, almost spitting out my tea. My head whipped around to meet his gaze.

"Yes. Can you?" Dark practically pleaded, his eyes begging for forgiveness. I couldn't believe his words. How am I supposed to just move on after he almost killed me? Does he not realize that I could've died without Anti? My mind raced with the pros and cons of why and why not to forgive Dark.

"Alright." I huffed in defeat rolling my eyes. "I forgive you."

"Really?" Dark questioned, a bit taken aback by my answer. I just nodded in response as I set my empty mug in the sink. Dark's strong arms wrapped themselves around my waist and he pulled me against his chest.

"Thank you, (Y/N)." He purred into my ear, sending shivers down my spine. I didn't like being in his grasp all that much, but I didn't know what to do. This confusion was amplified as Dark gently started to kiss my neck.

I felt so uncomfortable as Dark kissed and nibbled my neck. Even once he found my sweet spot, I wouldn't allow myself to moan. Dark growled against my skin, pushing me over the edge and making a small moan escaped my lips. Dark chuckled before letting go of me and going back to lounging on the couch. I was so confused, my emotions going crazy. I didn't know what to think about anything. All I wanted was for Anti to come home so Dark wouldn't dare do that again. My heartbeat sped up incredibly as I walked past Dark and made my way to Anti's room. After burying myself under the covers, my mind was everywhere, although I somehow managed to fall asleep.

(1089 Words)

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