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I forgot to love you, love you, love you



I started jogging along the pavement in the park, groaning under my breath because it was too early and too cold to be out of the house. I flew to Canada very shortly for the next race of the season and I had to make sure I was training hard to drive the best race possible. It was rather warm for seven thirty in the morning, the park absolutely isolated apart from the odd few dog walkers, which wasn't unusual for a Sunday morning. I should've been in bed. This was cruel.

I never came to this park much, only ever if I was taking a jog as part of my training schedule, or if Isabelle was desperate to leave her apartment and go for a walk. I quite liked the scenery, it was different for me considering I didn't visit often. When I did visit, like right now, I would simply shove the AirPods into my ears and play a suitable Spotify playlist through them. I ignored everybody I passed on my morning run, knowing that most people weren't worth any of my time. I was out in the cold to train, not to socialise, and therefore I wanted to get home as quickly as possible.

I came to the largely grassed area of the park and I looked down at my legs briefly, only snapping my head upwards again when I bumped into another body. Shit. I pulled my earphones out to apologise, yet I froze when I saw her face. The most beautiful woman I had ever come across in my life, stood before me, her hair in a ponytail as she wore a pair of leggings and a hoodie which I recognised.

"Isabelle?" I asked, covering my mouth before shoving my earphones into the pocket of my shorts. "Oh my god, Isabelle."

"Lando." Her voice broke as she said my name, tears filling up in her eyes, threatening to spill down her cheeks. I just wanted to hold her. I'd not seen her for nearly two months and I was beginning to think that our relationship was most definitely over. I couldn't believe she was standing here before me right now.

"Isabelle, are you alright? What are you doing outside like this on a Sunday?" She never woke up until well after ten on Sunday mornings. I knew her well enough to understand that something was wrong. I could tell just by looking into her eyes.

"I've not been sleeping," she whispered, wiping away the tears from her eyes. "I want you to come home."

Fuck. Did I hear that right? She wants me to come home. I had to be dreaming. This couldn't be real.

"Do you want me to drive you home right now? You need some rest, Issy." I offered, hoping she would agree to it and would allow me to come with her. I just had to be by her side. I noticed her nodding slowly and I smiled, before beckoning for her to follow behind me. I made sure she was walking after me as I led her towards my car. I always parked it outside the park if I ever came for a run, as it was a short distance from my house.

"I've missed you," I whispered, whilst reaching cautiously for her hand. She was hesitant but she took it with a smile on her lips. "How have you been?"

"Alright." Issy kept her voice quiet as she climbed into my car. I couldn't believe she was really before me right now. I was shocked, as was she, but I appreciated having her here. I didn't think she would react like this after bumping into me; I thought she would have hurried off.

"Do you want to go home?" I asked, starting up the engine of my McLaren. I wanted to go with her. I didn't want to leave her ever again.

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