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Now I sink a little deeper, think a little clearer



I had nothing better to do with myself than to shower and head to bed, even though it wasn't even midday yet. It didn't feel right, moping about and knowing that Isabelle hated me. I would rather be in my bed, where I could lie and think about her beside me, remembering how everything was once so perfect and exactly how I'd dreamed it to be. I flicked the shower on and held my fingers beneath it until I found the perfect temperature, then stripping my clothes away from my body and throwing them into a pile in the corner of the tiled floor. The hot water against my back was relaxing, it made me feel less tense about the situation with Isabelle physically, but nothing could remove the mental tension which was clouding my brain. I didn't want to stay here long. I wanted to be able to hold my face in my pillow and allow myself to cry as much as my body would let me against the soft cotton material.

As I padded from the bathroom to my bedroom, I exhaled, tucking my towel in further so it didn't fall from my waist as I moved my legs. My room was warm, the sheets looked so enticing and I just wanted to tuck myself beneath them. I closed the curtains before changing into a clean pair of underwear, before climbing under the sheets and closing my eyes as my head hit the pillow. I tried to scream and cry, but no noise came from my lips; everything had been drained from my body over these past 24 hours.

She slipped her fingers between mine as I locked my car, pushing my keys into the back pocket of my jeans. I felt her ear resting on my shoulder, before we walked towards the front door of her apartment block. We had a lovely evening at our favourite restaurant and now, I was so excited to take her to bed, where I would just hold her to my chest as she slept. She took her apartment keys from her small bag as we approached the door, yet her fingers did not leave mine as she fiddled about with them in the lock. I took my jacket off and placed it over the sofa, whilst Issy locked the door behind her and left the keys in their usual spot. I exhaled as she walked across to me and I glanced down at her, whilst brushing a strand of her hair away from her eyes. She looked so fucking beautiful.

"Baby," I whispered, my arms falling to the small of her back where they hung as I rested our foreheads together. "I'm so excited for these next few days."

"These next few days?" She stepped away and raised a brow. I thought I'd already told her about my work schedule, I could've sworn I'd mentioned it on the phone. "I thought you were here for a week or so."

"No," I shook my head, taking her hands and pulling her closer, knowing that she might not take this news too easily. Shit. "I'm training at the factory again on Monday, until Friday."

"You're joking," she stepped away, letting go of my hands. Her head began to shake in disbelief. "You're never here anymore. We struggle to get five minutes these days."

"I know, Isabelle, and I'm sorry," I sighed. I couldn't believe I was so stupid to bring this up after such a great evening with her. "I thought I'd told you already."

"No, Lando," I could feel the anger beginning to build in her body as she stumbled backwards on her feet. "You never tell me anything anymore. You barely even call when you're away. You're too fucking busy."

I was shocked at her sudden outburst but I understood why she felt the need to speak to me like that. I knew how anxious she would get whilst I was away. Of course, I'd not seen her suffering with my own eyes because I was always working. I knew her anxiety was worse when I was away, but I didn't know what I was supposed to do to help her out.

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