Chapter 7 : I love you

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Sana's POV

"Now?!" you know I cant even process the things she did to me a minute ago and now she wants a date. Its not like I dont want a date with her , but isnt it too early for a date? "Why? Is there a problem?" she takes a step towards me. Oh hello no. Not gonna happen again. So I swiftly moved away from her and sits on the couch.

She then sits beside me and faced me while fiddling with my hand. "Please, Sana-chan " she cutely said. Her duality is making me hella confused. "Lets have a date" I said, she smiled "but!" she whined "Not now, maybe tommorrow?"I added "Okay, but! You'll sleep at my house today" she smiled victoriously.

"What? No way" I defended "Why?" she asked "uhm cause i-its Because...I dont have clothes to change" I excused. "You can borrow mine" she smiled. "Bu-but" this conversation is going nowhere clearly shes so stubborn. I cant believe I'm doing this. "Okay" I sighed. "Yes!" she jumped and fist pumped the air. What a dork. A cute/hot dork not gonna lie.

"Come on" She held my hand and dragged me to the elevator "wait where are we going" I asked confused. Dont tell me we're already going to her house. Its just 12:30. "We're going to the mall!" she said. "To the mall? Why?" I asked "I want to eat churros" you've got to be kidding me. "Youre telling me , your going to the mall just to buy some churros?" I dont even know what to think.

"Yeah, exactly. I go to the mall every saturday to buy food."she explained. I just nodded and we went in her car and drove.

~Skip the Drive~

We are currently walking in the mall...while holding hands. "You know dad would kill me if he'd know I went out of the house with no body guards" I said. "Me too" she chuckled. "Isnt it dangerous for you to not have bodygaurds? Youre like the richest girl in Korea." I explained.

"Oh yeah its very dangerous. Theres this one time someone took me hostage and asked dad for money but I escaped and he's now in prison." wow that experience must be very rough for her. "But its okay I have like 8 bodygaurds with me  all the time" she added.

"Then where are they now?" I asked looking around, tjeres no bodygaurd in sight. "There they are " she pointed to a man walking infront of us talking to a phone. Then she pointed to two guys not far from us , dressed in casual clothes talking to each Other and a guy reading a newspaper while walking.She pointed to a janitor carying a mop while walking behind us and the rest are just walking not far from us.

"Are you just pointing to strangers?" I said " No. Thay are really my personal bodyguards" she defended. "Then why are they in casual clothes" I raised an eyebrow. "Thats the trick. I made them wear casual clothes to make them invisible and blend in deceiving the bad guys making them see I'm all alone. Plus theyre actors." wow thats actually really smart. "And I know all of them , that way I cant misjudged a stranger to a bodygaurd of mine" she then added.

We stopped infront of a store that sells churros. We then went in the store. "Do you want to eat some churros?she asked me "yeah, Its been like a year aince I last ate a churro" I explained "Perfect.How about you Mike?" whos she talking to? I looked to my back and saw a janitor cleaning "yeah sure" the janitor answered. "Okay how about the others?" the janitor or Mike holds his ear for a moment.

"Yeah the others would like a churro except for Jack he said hes full" he answered "oh okay" dahyun said. We went to the counter and there was a an old lady getting orders "A loveley afternoon to you dahyunnie, the usual?" the old lady asked. Dahyun kissed the old lady's cheeks and smiled at her "Mama Margie , I missed you. Yeah, I would like nine churros for take out and 2000 churros for delivery please, but this time deliver them to the children in the east." she said sweetly. "Okay sweetheart just wait a minute" Mama margie when to the back.

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