Chapter 3- Day in the life of Jack

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Jack POV

I got to the office and went in I so so many kids and parents waiting. I got my lab coat on then grabbed the first file and went to collect the child and the parents.

"Luna Childress" I said. And a mother stood up carrying a little girl She looked around 3 or 4 years old. She had long brown hair and freckles.
"Hello Mrs. Childress" I say happily

"Hello Doctor Parker" She said smiling

I took them back to the Exam room and Luna's mom sat Luna on the examination table that's when she whines for her mom. She doesn't wanna be there. "Shh Shh it's ok Luna he's going to take what's hurting away" her mom said in a comforting voice.

"So what's hurting Luna" I said in a comforting voice.
"My tummy" She says

"Oh ok so lay down and I'll check it out for you" I say then Luna lays down ont the exam table

I put on some gloves then slightly pressed down on her stomach and she winced.

"Have she had any nausea, vomiting or diarrhea" I say to her mother.

"Yes just nausea" she said

"Well have she ate anything that might have upset her stomach" I say

"Well I made something new for dinner last night and it started last night around midnight" her mom said

"It might have been something her stomach didn't like so I'm gonna prescribe some medicine to help with the nausea and pain" I said while writing her prescription on a little note and handing it to the mother.

"Just give this to your local pharmacist and it will get filled" I say then led them back out to the waiting room.

I had quite a few other appointments before I went home for the day. To my loving husband and little Lincoln.

I got home and saw Lincoln laying on the couch with his head on Chips lap.

"Hey guys how was your day" I say cheerfully

"Good Lincoln lost his first tooth why don't you show him Lincoln" chip said nudging Lincoln's head

Lincoln shows Me his lost tooth which made me smile
"I remember when I lost my first tooth and guess what the tooth fairy comes" I say

Lincoln chuckled. "Can I tell Sammy" Lincoln said

"Yes" Chip said dialing Sam number and hanging it to Lincoln

Lincoln POV

Sam picked up the phone
" hello?" Sam says

"Hi Sammy" I say
"Oh hi lincoln hows my little man" sam said
"I'm good I just lost my first tooth" I say
"Awesome which tooth" Sam said
"Umm a front one" I say

"That's Good now the tooth fairy will come" sam said
"Bye Sammy I gotta go" I say

"Wait give the phone to Jack" sam says

"Ok" I say and give jack the phone

Jack POV

"Hello?" I say

"Hello Jack I'm just calling because you got a appointment with me Tommorow to get your filling done" sam said

"Oh ok well I'll be there" I say

"9 am sharp" Sam said and he hung up the phone.

Chip POV

"What he want" I say to jack

"My appointment for my filling tommorow 9 am sharp" Jack said in a upset tone 

" come on it ain't that bad you'll make it through" I said trying to encourage him

"No I won't that's why I'm refusing to go" jack said and walked out of the room and headed upstairs and I hear him slam the door.

I looked at him as he went up the stairs he's not wrong I hate the dentist.
I cooked dinner and ate then gave Lincoln a bath and put him in bed.

Then I went to the room and saw jack laying face down on his pillow.
I sat on the bed and rubbed his back.

"You don't have to go I'm not forcing you but he will take the pain away" I say

"It's not even hurting" Jack said
"Well okay then I'm going  to bed after I brush my teeth you should too" I winked
We went in the bathroom and brushed our teeth then headed to bed with tv playing in the background.

Jack POV

I fell asleep but a little while later I shot up because of the unbearable pain in my mouth.

I had to go tommorow and I'm gonna hate it.

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