Chapter 4- Jacks filling

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Jack POV

I woke up around 8:00 am. I got out of bed went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth then got dressed in my uniform I had to go to work after. Chip  works to Lincoln is going to the daycare.
I headed downstairs and saw chip and Lincoln eating breakfast. I kissed chip on the cheek.
"Good morning guys how y'all doing this morning" I say trying to be happy but I wasn't happy because of the appointment meant to get this filling done.
"I know you were up last night Jack" chip said

"You knew?" I say quietly
" well I guess the pain came back good thing your getting it fixed today" chip says

Lincoln looks at me. " he's awesome don't worry"
It was now 8:30 I got in my car and headed to the office where I'm gonna get my filling done.

I signed myself in and slumped down in the waiting room chair.
Soon came out Sam he smiles at me but I kept looking down.
"It's going to be fine" he says in a comforting voice rubbing my back.
I slowly got up and followed sam to the examination room.
I sat in the exam chair and looked like a guilty puppy.

"Do we have too?" I whine

"Come on it won't be that bad" he chuckled and put on his gloves and mask then reclined the chair.
He rolls behind me. "Open"
He was holding the mirror and explorer.
I opened and he slipped the tools in my mouth.
"So Lincoln lost his first tooth last night" he asked me
"Uh Huh" I say

He puts the tools out of my mouth they grabbed a q-tip with pink jelly on it.
"This is just to numb your mouth some before the needle" he says and rubs it on the gum line where the cavity is.
"Tell me when it's numb it will be a few moments" he says
"It's tingly" I say
"Its working now close your eyes and open wide" he said

Next thing you know I felt a pinch in my gum. I winced. The needle then came out of my mouth.
"That was the hard part now the easy part which won't hurt  at all" he said

I nodded. Then I hear the whirling off the drill coming closer and closer to my mouth. He was then drilling my tooth. A buzzing feeling went through my head.
Once he was done drilling he used this white stuff and filled my tooth and blew air on it to dry it.
"All done" he said as he put the chair back to its normal state

"I got a question since I'm in a good mood" I chuckle

He pulled his mask and gloves off. "Hmm What is it?"
"If Chip got a cavity how mad will u be since he's your brother and all" I say
"Not really mad just disappointed but I might be pissed and give him a lecture." Sam chuckles
We both get up from the chair and head to the door between the waiting room and the back where the exam rooms were.
He waved good bye and I left the office and got to my car and headed off to work

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