Chapter 12- Lincolns cavity

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The next day we got of to a late start a few minutes behind so not that bad. I got up got dressed, brushed teeth and flossed. Then I got Lincoln up, dressed, fed, teeth brushed.

Parenting can be stressful sometimes when your husband is at work. Then you have to take your own child to get a cavity filled... this is gonna be a stressful day.

Tonight is gonna be one of those night where I'll be crashing early. Good thing I'm off Tommorow.

After getting our shoes on, some breakfast and some comforting for my son we were all ready to go to Sam's office.

I've locked the house holding a worried Lincoln in my arms then proceeded to the car where I buckle him in.

Then we made our way to Sam's office. I pulled in my usual parking spot turned the car off then go to the backseat and pick up Lincoln. Then I lock the car.

Then headed to the main entrance then went to the back and clocked in.

Sam looks at me and Lincoln with a smile

"Hey Chip... hey Lincoln" Sam says

Lincoln puts his head in my chest.
And mumbled "hi Sammy"

"So your daddy told me you have a sore tooth is that true?" Sam asked Chip

Lincoln nods his head shyly.

"Why don't you bring him back to my exam room so we can get your sore toothy fixed" sam said rubbing Lincoln's back

Lincoln smiled a bit at Sam and I carried him back into the exam room.

I set Lincoln down in the chair which he stayed in I was surprised

"Alright bud Uncle Sammy is gonna fix your tooth your ready to go for a ride backwards" sam says like a child

I chuckled as I washed my hands got gloves on and a mask under my chin. Sam did the same.

The chair was reclined backwards and a light was positioned over Lincoln's mouth. Me and Sam lifted our masks.

"Open bud" sam says smiling through the mask

Lincoln opened his mouth and Sam used his mirror and explorer

Then he found the sore tooth. Lincoln shot up in his seat I rubbed his back. "It's okay bud" I say softly Lincoln lays back down

"Sorry Sammy" Lincoln pouts then reopens his mouth.

"It's alright I just gotta double check it then take a X-ray" Sam said examining it yet again

Sam took the xrays after.

"It's seems like a small cavity" sam said showing me the X-ray

We layed Lincoln back down and started the filling.

Sam rubbed topical on the gum then the needle a few minutes later.

Sam used the drill. I used suction/ air/ water to get rid of the debris. Then it was filled. Lincoln's chair was put back to its normal state.

Me and Sam took our gloves and mask off and washed our hands.

"He did a lot better then you ever did" Sam chuckles

"Oh shut it" I said while play slapping him

Lincoln chuckled. I took Lincoln to the ice cream shop then took him back to daycare then went back to work

Today has already been a long day... I wonder what tommorow will be like...

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