Chapter 21- Discussions

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I heard my brothers exact words. "Lincoln needs braces"

"Do you have his X-rays?" I ask

"Right here" Sam says handing me the file with Lincoln's x-rays.

I take the file and pull the X-rays out and shine one in the light. "Oh I see they are rather crooked" I say

I hand the X-rays back to Sam and he puts them back. " have you talked to Derek to see if we can get Lincoln an orthodontic appointment?" I say

"I will today and I'll get back to you" sam says

I had 3 more patients for a filling. And a pair of triplets for a checkup who were 4 years old.

I grab my file and go to the waiting room "Caleb, Jonah, and Kai Callum  please"

A husband and wife stood up with with their triplets.

They come forward to me and I lead them through to an exam room for smaller children, it was very colorful.

They sit in the chairs in the corner of the room with the children on both of their laps.

I sit in my stool. I asked the parents a few questions.

"Is this their first appointment?" I asked

They both nodded yes.

"Who would like to go first" I ask ready for whoever decided to go first.

Caleb stood up. "Me!"

He hopped in the big chair. "Wow your a big boy" I say

"I know I am" he laughs

I got my tools together, got my gloves and mask on. Then lowered the chair. And positioned the light over his mouth

I grabbed a mirror and explorer. "Can u Open bud?"

He opens his mouth. Which was shocking as most kids his age won't corporate with me!

"I'm just gonna count your teeth, clean your teeth, and take some xrays" I say as I slip my tools in his mouth and start counting his teeth.

"Mom, dad do they brush their teeth in their own or do you help brush their teeth?" I questioned

"They brush them" the mom said

"Caleb does a pretty good job, surprising for a 4 yr old" I joked

Caleb had his attention focused on the tv playing cartoons on the ceiling.

I cleaned his teeth, and took his x- rays they were perfect.

"His teeth are perfect he may need braces in the future but don't worry about that" I say as I let Caleb out of the chair and change my gloves

Little Jonah was just as good as his brother, Caleb. But Kai was a little scared, well terrified.

Kai wouldn't let go of his mom.

"Why don't mom sit in the chair and you on her lap?" I suggested

"That will be a good idea" she says and stands up and sits in the chair with Kai

Kai was crying and whining I know he was scared. But after a little convincing and encouragement I got him to open.

I got his examination, cleaning, and x- rays done. His teeth were good except he had one teeny cavity. Poor child. First appointment, first cavity.

"Kai got one cavity, want me to fix it now?" I ask the mom

"Yea sure" the mom nodded

"Well I'm just going to pull it as he is gonna lose the tooth in a few years anyways" I explain

"I'll rather have it filled please" the mom begged

Kai just sat there speechless.

"That's fine" I say and got the things for the filling set up.

I grabbed a q-tip with pink jelly and rubbed it on the gum. "It's going to feel weird but it will help u not feel the needle"

"Needle?" Kai said shyly

"I'm sorry bud but yes" I say

"I don't want it" he starts crying

The mom calms him down. And I was able to convince him to open his mouth and close his eyes.

I injected the needle he whimpers a bit. And I quickly did the drilling and filling and finally he was all finished and he was let out of the dental chair.

I tossed my gloves and mask and led them back to the reception and gave them a small goodie bag each with sugar free candy and little toys and stickers then I waved them goodbye. The receptionist fixed their bill and their next appointment.

I cleaned up the exam room and did some other things before I clocked out for the day and saying goodbye to Sam

I am gonna mention the whole braces thing to Lincoln tonight I don't know how he is gonna react

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