Chapter 22- Not happy

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I got home... Lincoln greatest me at the door. Jack was in the kitchen cooking dinner.

I came up to him and hugged him from behind. "Whatcha making hun" I ask

"Making sweet and sour chicken" he says kissing me on the cheek

"Delicious" I say then turn around and head upstairs.

I changed into a t- shirt and shorts then head back downstairs. Jack was finishing dinner. Lincoln was helping set the table.

Soon enough we had all dinner and it was time to discuss braces with Lincoln and I can tell he won't be too thrilled about them.

I start eating my food. "So Lincoln Sam said something today that he didn't say to you"

Lincoln looked up. "What is it daddy C?"

"Well your teeth are crooked" I say

"And?" Lincoln questions

"Your going to need braces" I finally say

Then Lincoln and Jack both stare at me.

"I don't want braces" Lincoln states

"I know you don't want them but me and Sam really want you too get braces" I explain

"I don't want them!" Lincoln yells then storms off upstairs to his room.

"You made him mad" Jack says

"I know I did but I really want him to get braces Jack I want him to have that perfect smile" I say, I was starting to feel guilty

That I made Lincoln this upset, I remember when Sam put them on me I got used to them and I know for a fact Lincoln will get used to the braces too.

After dinner I cleaned up the kitchen did the dishes and some other chores around the house. Then I decided to go upstairs go to my room grab some comfy clothes and I head to the shower.

After the shower I brush my teeth and floss and knock on Lincoln's door softly

I heard a faint "come in" I opened the door and there was Lincoln all snuggles under his blankets with a tear stained face

I made him cry I feel even more guilty then I already am. I hope I am not a bad father to Lincoln. I just feel so guilty for putting that much pressure on Lincoln.

I sat on the edge of bed guilt plastered all over my face. "I won't make you get them till you are ready Lincoln" I say softly

"But dad I never want them" Lincoln says now sitting up in his bed

"Me and uncle Sammy want what's best for you bud" I say softly not trying to make Lincoln all upset again

"But they will hurt" Lincoln whines

"I had braces before Lincoln and they only hurt when they are tightened which will happen every 4-6 weeks" I explain

"I'm scared to get braces I can't eat what I want" Lincoln complains

"I know that's tough but I'll buy you all the ice cream in the world if you get them for me I'll even take you out to a movie or whatever you want" I say trying to cheer Lincoln up.

Lincoln sighs. "So I get them whenever I want when I feel it's time?"

"Yes bud I won't make you get them right away take your time" I say

"Maybe next year" Lincoln says

"That'll be fine" I say

I give Lincoln a hug goodnight and says "goodnight don't forget to brush"

"Don't worry dad you know I always brush" Lincoln says

"I know I do Love you goodnight" I say before leaving his room and heading to mine then got ready for bed and finally fell asleep

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