Chapter 8- JASON IS BACK

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Chip POV

It was Jason from when I went to public school.
"Hello Jason" I said

"Hi" he said

We headed back to the examination room
He sat down in the examination chair.

"You look familiar" Jason says

"You do too" I say as I slipped on gloves and a mask and so did my brother.
"Are you Chip?" He says as he stared at me my face was covered by a mask. Only he can see my eyes.
"Um yes I am" I say

Sam reclined the chair back.
"You ruined my life!" He yells and jumps out of the chair and pushes me off my stool.

He cornered me in the room.
"You ruined my life your gonna pay!" He yells

"You were the one who hit me! Punched me in the face knocked out my tooth!" I yelled
Josh bursted in to see me on the floor cornered.
"Your little jack will pay!" He yells and kicks me in the stomach. I fell down and whimpered in pain.
Sam and Josh came behind Jason and grabbed him. Derek then rushes in and says "what the heck is going on" he says
He looks at me whimpering in pain. Derek helps me up. He takes me out of the exam room. And into his office and closes the door. He takes off my gloves and mask and threw them away.

"Who is that patient?" He says

I covered my stomach with my hands.
"Jason from my childhood he was the one who knocked out a tooth!" I say as a tear trickled down my cheek

"The one who got expelled?" Derek says

"Yes he remembers me and he wants revenge for getting him expelled he says I ruined his life!" I say

"Damn what did he do to you?" Derek said

"Kicked me in the stomach" I say and sat down on a chair

"Let me go get ice" Derek says and goes out of the room and comes back with a bag of ice.
I put it on my stomach.
"He might of bruised a rib or something he kicked hard" I said

"I'm gonna go see what's going on just stay here and relax" Derek says then he leaves the room


He kicked my brother! A patient! A patient never did that before!

Me and Josh talk to Jason after putting him back in the chair after he calmed down.

"Why?" I scold and put my hands on my hips and show an angry expression.

"He ruined my life" Jason yelled

"You need to calm down" Josh Said

"No I won't I just came to get a filling! And I see your brother who ruined my life!" Jason said starting to calm down.

"Well you didn't have to kick him in the stomach and push him off the chair that was really uncalled for Jason! You just came for a filling let's get it fixed and you can leave." I said

Jason POV

I have calmed down and laid back in the chair and let sam do the work he filled my cavity and was on my way.


Jason left and I went to check on Chip who was in Derek's office.
"Are you okay?" I say as I walk to Chip

"I I am fine" he would say

"How's your stomach" I say

"Still sore" I say

"Why don't you take the rest of the day off and heal up" I say

Chip slowly gets up "I guess that will be good"
Chip leaves Derek's office and clocks out and leaves the office.

Chip POV

I got to my car and got in and started it up.

I headed home. Parked my car in the garage and went in the house

Hey hun I though you worked later?" Jack said

"No something happened to me" I say

"What happened?" Jack said

Lincoln waddles isn't he room and comes in and gives me a big hug but hits my sore spot and I wince

"Lincoln please go In the other room so me and your dad can talk" I say

Lincoln goes in the other room and continues watching his show.

"Well you know Jason right?" I say

"Yea But That was back then and why'd bring him up?" Jack asks

"Well he came in to the clinic" I say

"Why?" Jack says

"For a filling. But when he noticed me when we got to the exam room then he jumped out of the chair push me off my stool and kicked me in the stomach" I blurted out

"He WHAT?" Jack says

"It's true my stomach is so sore" I say

"That Asshole!" Jack says quietly so Lincoln wouldn't hear I went to the cabinet and took some pain meds

The conversation went on . We had dinner watched a few movies then Lincoln had his bath and brushed his teeth  and put him to bed.

A few hours later. Me and Jack got ready for bed took our showers, brushed our teeth which I watched Jack closely. Then went to our room and watched tv then finally fell asleep.

And I had to work tommorow so did jack and Lincoln had kindergarten I forgot to set the alarm.

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