Chapter 18- A baby is born

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Since the last encounter with Jacks father, Kaden 9 months ago. Me and Sam been together for 7 months. I know I am gonna have this baby girl soon.


I lived with Sam with 2 months. We have been together for 7 months. I been pregnant for 9 months.

Sam is such a sweetheart I haven't encountered his dentist side yet since I'm pregnant and ready to burst.

Me and Sam are planning on getting married in a month or 2 after my baby girl is born. Sam is not the father but he will be a father figure. The baby's father has a life sentence and will never see the baby bit I don't care he was bad and he got me pregnant when I didn't want too.

The baby will never know his true father once he's dead, for now sam will be the father.

I was taking a warm shower then all of a sudden my water broke. "SAM!" I yelled

Sam came rushing and realized what happened I got out of the shower and changed and headed to the hospital.

I got all comfortable in my hospital bed, I was now in labor and ready for baby Kelly Parker to be born.

A few hours later a baby was born. At 3:46pm 4/20/19 a baby was born.

Kelly Parker is a beautiful baby girl.

She had blue eyes, fair skin, chubby cheeks, she was the perfect little girl.

Sam couldn't be in the room since he was not the father. A little bit time and past and he was able to come in and the first time he saw her his eyes lit up. We aren't gonna tell Kelly who is the real father, so Sam is gonna be the father figure.

"Hi Kelly I'm Sammy" sam said looking at Kelly making Kelly giggle.

A few days later we went home. I could tell Sam wasn't really ready to be a parent he has a stressful job after all.

We were sitting on the couch watching a movie while Kelly was in her bouncer giggling away when the doorbell rang.


the doorbell rang I stood up and got it.
It was chip, jack and Lincoln.
They came in and sat on the other chairs and sofas in the room. Kelly looked at them in wonder. Jack came closer to Kelly and said
"I'm your big brother" he says

That made me smile, even though Kelly wasn't actually my baby it was that assholes kid but he's out of the picture and in jail.

Lincoln became quick friends with Kelly. Which made all of us blush. "Lincoln got a girlfriend" Chip jokes

"Dad don't do that" Lincoln chuckles as he got up and play punches Chip in the arm.

Later on that day after dinner they went home and we went to bed. But woke up quite a few times during the night to a crying baby.

Parenting is tiring and my job is tiring it's gonna be a fun day at work tomorrow


It's the next morning woke up to my alarm, oh great time for work. I get up out of bed get dressed in my scrubs and head downstairs. I sip my coffee quietly.

Next thing you know I hear baby Kelly crying and Shelby coming downstairs with her looking all tired

"Morning" Shelby says tiredly

"Morning hun, you sure your gonna be fine with me at work and you at home with Kelly?" I say sipping my coffee

"Yes it's fine hun. I usually had to watch Jack alone all the time when me and the ex got divorced" Shelby said

"Okay just text me if you need anything" I say as I put on my shoes and grab my keys and proceeded to the door.

"Will do" Shelby said as she made Kelly's bottle.

"Bye love you both!" I say before stepping out of the house and into the garage where my car is closing the door behind me.

I got to my car and headed off to work today was gonna be one tiring day.

By noon I had 3 checkups and 2 fillings. What an eventful day. I wonder what Kelly's first checkup will be like... but that's not for a few years...

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