First day as an assistant

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Chip POV

I woke up around 6 and realized what today was... it was my first day as Sam's assistant

He dropped off a pair of scrubs and books for me last night and I started reading them. Dental kind of sounded interesting.

I changed into the scrubs and headed downstairs. I got a few dental books together in a messenger bag in case I had free time to read.

I sat down at the table with my husband and child. I made some toast and ate it. "So you ready hun" Jack said

"Yea I guess I just hope I don't turn into one of those health freaks" I chuckled

Jack and Lincoln both laughed

"I got to go Sam is waiting for me" I said as I got up from the chair kissing Jack and Lincoln on the cheek.
"Bye" Lincoln and Jack said as I got my shoes on, grabbed keys and messenger bag and headed to the garage where my car was.

I got in my car and started it and headed off in the direction to my new workplace... my brothers office.

I got to the office, parked my car and headed in and Sam was in the waiting room waiting for me. "Omg you look so professional" he chuckled

"Thanks" I said while showing off my pearly whites.
Sam then opens a door and led me down a hallway into his office.
"Just keep your stuff in here for now" he said. I plopped my bag on the chair.

"So how much have you read so far" sam questioned.

"At least 20 pages of the first book" I said
"Wow" he chuckled

"So what are we going to do?" I say

"Well I'm gonna show you one of the average exam rooms and a tour of the office" sam said

I chuckled "sounds fun"

We went to one of the exam rooms. This brings back memories geez.
"So what do you wanna learn first" sam said while sitting on one of the stools in the room.

"Well first I wanna learn all about the teeth first what are they called" I said

Sam then grabs a small poster and hands it to me and rolls next to me. He points to the front teeth on the top "these are called the central incisors" he said then he showed me the other incisors, canines, premolars, and molars. On both top and bottom rows are teeth. "So there is a total of 32 teeth, 1-16 on the top and 17- 32 on the bottom is that right " I said

" yes your learning fast Chip" sam said and smiled.

Then he showed me the parts of a tooth and many other things. Dentistry was really interesting. He showed me the storage closet where all the stuff was and all the other things. He showed me hand positions for the tools and how to put on gloves and and a mask. Tommorow I will be learning on a manaquin.

I actually am starting to like dentistry why have I been so afraid?

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