Chapter 1: Meeting

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Lisa's P.O.V.

One morning of your every week Monday, I woke up in my normal, moody, cold way.

Lisa: *groan* "I wonder if the new girl that my dad was talking about is going to come to school today. Oh well. I better get ready for school."

I got up, got ready, went downstairs, and left.

Jennie's P.O.V.

My alarm went off and scared me so bad that I fell off my bed and hurt my wrist.

Jennie: "Ow! That hurt really bad."

I decided not to tell my dad about this because he would send me to the hospital and I'd probably have to get a cast and I didn't want a cast for my first day of school at Manoban University. I turned off the alarm and got ready for the day. 15 minutes later, I was ready and went downstairs for breakfast.

Mr. Kim: "Hello, princess. Good morning."
Jennie: "Good morning, dad. I think I'll take breakfast to go."
Mr. Kim: "Ok."

I grabbed a breakfast bar, my coat, my bag, my keys, and headed out.

Rosélle and Chaeyoung's P.O.V.

Chaeyoung: "Hurry up Rosé! School will start in 15 minutes!"
Rosélle: "Calm down, Chaeng! Why are you in such a rush? We literally live 5 minutes from the school." *confused*
Chaeyoung: "It's just that..."
Rosélle: "Just what?"
Chaeyoung: "My girlfriend, Jisoo, is also going to Manoban University and I wanted to see her before school starts."
Rosé: "Don't worry, Chaeng. You'll get to see her. Ok?"
Chaeng: "Ok."

Rosélle and I left for school.

Jisoo's P.O.V.

Jisoo: "I better get to school so I can see my cute little Chaengmunk. I wonder what she's up to. *To myself: "I love and miss you so much, my Chaengmunk."* "Welp, I better go now."

I kneeled down to say goodbye to Dalgom and Pikachu, then I left.

*At Manoban University*
Jennie's P.O.V.

I was walking toward the office so I can get my schedule when I accidentally bumped into someone.

Jennie: "Ow!!" *Holding my wrist*

The girl stood up and looked down at me.

???: "Watch it, missy!"
Jennie: "I'm sorry." *said shyly*

The girl helped me stand. She looked like she was checking me out.

???: "What's your name?"
Jennie: "My name is Jennie."
???: "Well your name should actually be sexy."
Jennie: *Blush* "What's your name?"
???: "Lalisa Manoban."
Jennie: "Manoban? As in Manoban University?"
Lisa: "Yep. My dad had this school built."
Jennie: "Ok. I better get going now. I have to go to the office for my schedule.
Lisa: "I can go get it for you. I just need to know your last name."
Jennie: "My last name is Kim."
Lisa: "Ok. Wait here; I'll be back in about 5 minutes. Ok, Jennie?"
Jennie: "Ok."

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