Chapter 3: Wedding!!

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*Takes place 3 years after Jenlisa started dating*
Jennie's P.O.V.
I can't believe me and Lisa are finally getting married. In just 30 minutes, I'll be Jennie Ruby Jane Kim-Manoban. Chaeng and Rosé are in charge of getting me ready while Jisoo is in charge of getting my Lalisa ready.

Chaeng: "C'mon, Jennie. We have to finish the rest of your hair!"
Jennie: "Ok, ok."
Rosé: "But we have to finish your shoe picking!"
Jennie: *Takes a really deep breath* "We can do both. Ok?"
Chaeng: "If you say so."

I sat down so Chaeng can finish my hair. Rosé brought out 10 pairs of shoes, and I declined 9/10 pairs. The pair I accepted were just white.

Rosé: "Good choice."

It took me 5 minutes to pick some shoes and 20 minutes for Chaeng to finish my hair. It's now 5 minutes until I get to see my baby girl.

Jennie looks like she did in her scene from Kill This Love when she was in that pretty, white, fluffy, dress. Jennie is way happier than in this picture though.

 Jennie is way happier than in this picture though

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Lisa's P.O.V.
It was only 5 minutes until I got to see Jennie. I am so excited to marry her.

Jisoo: "Lalisa Manoban!! Stop moving!!"
Lisa: "Sorry, Unnie."

I stopped moving so Jisoo could fix my bow tie on my lady tux.

Jisoo: "There. You're all ready now. The ceremony will start in like a literal 2 minutes, so we need to get you and Jennie to that aisle."

Jisoo pressed a button on her earpiece and told Chaeng that we are ready.

Jisoo's P.O.V.
For the oddest reason, I'm more nervous about this wedding than I am excited. Now don't get me wrong, I'm excited. I'm just also nervous because anything could go wrong.

Jisoo: "Ok, Lisa. Are you ready to go get Jennie?"
Lisa: *Nodded*

I led Lisa to a room also marked "Bride" and knocked on the door. My Chaengmunk opened the door. Lisa and I walked in and saw a smiling Rosé and Jennie.

Jennie's P.O.V.
Jennie: "Baby girl! You're here!" *Runs to Lisa* *Tripped over Chaeng's foot and is about to fall*

Before I could fall, Lisa caught me.

Lisa: "Nini, are you ok!?" *Worried* *Helps Jennie stand*
Jennie: "Yeah. I'm fine."
Chaeng: "I seriously hate to break up this Jenlisa moment, but you two are about to get married in like 30 seconds!"

Lisa and I locked arms and walked toward the aisle and waited for the music to start. Jisoo, Rosé, and Chaeng took their places and smiled at me and Lisa. The music started and we slowly walked down the aisle and I was teary-eyed. We got to the end and faced each other, holding hands while smiling.

Priest: *Looks at Lisa* "Do you take Jennie as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish, until death do you part?"
Lisa: "I do."
Priest: *Looks at Jennie* "Do you take Lisa as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish, until death do you part?"
Jennie: "I do."
Lisa: *Gets the ring* "With this ring, I pronounce you my wife." *Puts the ring on Jennie's finger*
Jennie: *Gets the ring* "With this ring, I pronounce you my wife." *Puts the ring on Lisa's finger*
Priest: "I now pronounce you, wives. You may kiss the brides." *Steps back and smiles*

Lisa's P.O.V.
I grabbed Jennie by her waist, pulled her toward me, and planted a soft kiss on her lips.

Guests: *Claps* "Woow!! Congrats!! Yayy!! Woo hoo!!" *Claps*

I pulled out the kiss, smiled softly, and rested my forehead on Jennie's. She did the same, but with a big, gummy smile.

Lisa: "I love you so much, Jen."
Jennie: "I love you too, Lalisa. Lisa... I... want a baby..."

I lifted my head and stared into Jennie's cat like eyes and could tell she was serious.

Lisa: "Ok."

*P.S. anything is possible in FF*

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