Chapter 9: "Secret" of the Chu

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Dedicated to chinita676
*Anything is possible in FF*
Jisoo's P.O.V.
I woke up with the sudden urge to puke. So I quickly got up, ran to the bathroom as fast as I could, and threw up in the toilet. After a few gags and a few releasings, I didn't have the urge to puke. I flushed the toilet, went to the sink, and brushed my teeth. After I brushed my teeth, I realized I didn't know why I threw up. Maybe I was hungry, or sick, or ate something bad yesterday. Since I was up, and it's 8:30, I decided to go downstairs and make breakfast. When I came downstairs, I saw Rosé on the couch watching Stranger Things. It's a good show.

Rosé: "Goodmorning, unnie."
Jisoo: "Goodmorning, Rosé." *tired tone* *walks into the kitchen*
Rosé: *pauses show* *follows Jisoo into the kitchen* "Unnie, are you ok?"
Jisoo: "Eh."
Rosé: "Did my sister do something to you?"
Jisoog "No, Chaeng didn't do anything to me. I threw up about 5 minutes ago though."
Rosé: *a bit worried* "Do you need to go to the hospital?"
Jisoo: "I don't think so. If it progresses, maybe we'll all go a bit later."
Rosé: "Ok, unnie."
Jisoo: "I'm gonna make breakfast."
Rosé: "What are you gonna make?" *curious*
Jisoo: "I'm making vegetable omelet, tofu with seasoned soy sauce, rice cooked with red and black beans, kaktugi(raddish kimchi), and Korean coleslaw." *smiles*
Rosé: "Sounds delicious! I'm gonna go watch as much Stranger Things as possible."
Jisoo: "What's that supposed to mean?"
Rosé: "I only have before Min Joon wakes up and after he goes to sleep."
Jisoo: "Ahhh, ok then."

Rosé likes Stranger Things but she can't watch it that much becauae Min Joon is only 6. If he were to watch that show, my little boy would be terrified and he'll probably have nightmares for weeks. I cooked all the food, put it in or on the rightful dish, and put it all onto the table. I also put down the utinsels.

Jisoo: "Breakfast is ready!!" *shouts*

Chaeng's P.O.V.
I was playing with Min Joon in his Paw Patrol themed room when I heard Jisoo yell that breakfast was ready. I looked at Min Joon and smiled. Min Joon looked so excited.

Chaeng: "Let's go downstairs, buddy."
Min Joon: "Yayyy!"
Chaeng: *grabs Min Joon's hand and walks downstairs with him*
Min Joon: "Mommyyy!"

I let go of Min Joon's hand so he could go to my wife, Jisoo, his mommy.

Jisoo: *smiles* "Hi, baby! Are you ready for breakfast?" *picks Min Joon up with a bit of struggle* "You're getting heavier by the day."
Min Joon: "That's because I'm a big boy!"
Jisoo: "Yeah, you are a big boy!"
Min Joon: "I'm hungry, mommy."
Jisoo: "Ok, go sit in your chair at the table with auntie Rosé and eat."
Min Joon: "Ok, mommy."
Jisoo: *puts Min Joon down and turns to Chaeng*
Chaeng: "Good morning, love." *small smile* *walks up to Jisoo and wraps my arms around her waist*
Jisoo: "Good morning." *smiles* *kisses Chaeng*
Chaeng: *kisses back and pulls Jisoo closer* *stops the kiss*
Jisoo: "I love you."
Chaeng: "I love you too. Let's go eat."
Jisoo: "Ok."
Chaesoo: *sits down at the table and eats the food*

*20 minutes later* Jisoo's P.O.V.
Breakfast was now over, so I started to clean everything up. While I was putting the cups into the sink, I guess I fainted because I felt myself fall, everything went black, and I woke up on the couch.

Chaeng: "Hey, love."
Jisoo: "Hi. What happen?"
Chaeng: "Min Joon found you on the floor in the kitchen. Guess you fainted."
Jisoo: *looks at Min Joon* "Mommy's gonna be just fine. Ok, baby?"
Min Joon: *nods shyly* "Ok, mommy." *hugs her*

Me and Chaeng decided to go to the doctor's office for a check-up. Whsn we got there, we checked in and sat in the waiting room for about 10 minutes. It was then finally our turn.

Doctor: *does a couple tests on Jisoo* "Just as I suspected."
Jisoo: "What is it, doc? Is it something bad?"
Doctor: "No. You're pregnant."

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