Chapter 14: 6th month/nurseries

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Jisoo's P.O.V.
I'm in my 6th month of pregnancy with triplets, which we now know is a girl, a little boy, and another little girl. Now that we know the gender's of the babies, we can design their nurseries! I'm thinking if doing wayyyy different designs for each nursery from each other. That way, I guess they don't feel like they have to be the same. They're all gonna be different with different personalities, attitudes, and more. I want those differences to show and the best way I can do that as of right now, is through their nurseries. Last month was one of the best months of my entire pregnancy. We found out the gender's of the babies, we picked 2 of the girl names and 1 of the boy names, and I was so happy to see Rosé again and my hubby got to see her sister after 5 months. This month was a little different from my first 5 months. My back has started to ache more, my feet and ankles are swollen lately, and I'm not getting as much sleep as before. Min Joon went over to Jennie and Lisa's house with Jadessa, Evy, Eris, Bronwyn, and their babysitter, Hayun. Me, Jennie, Chaeng, and Lisa are gonna go to a few different stores in the mall to get things for the 3 different nurseries. We went to about 4 stores, one of them being Marie's Baby Circle. After our shopping trip, we went to the bathroom, because duh; that's a reoccurring thing that happens when pregnant, then we went to a restaurant called Korean House. We spent a total of 50,000 won at the restaurant and 220,000 won during our shopping trip.(I had to do some real searching to find out how many dollars is equal to that much won)

Chaeng's P.O.V. *1 week later*
It's been a week since our shopping trip and the bigger things for the nurseries like the cribs, dressers, and chairs have finally arrived.

Jisoo: "Thank you so much for coming over to help up set this stuff up. We appreciate it a lot."
Chaeng: "Yeah, we do. It's been some time since we set up stuff like this."
Lisa: "Yeah, no problem at all, unnie. We're experts at setting things like this up. Aren't we, babe?"
Jennie: "Oh all too well..."
JenChuLiChaeng: *laughs at Jennie's words*
Jisoo: "Aish, Jennieyah, you can't make me laugh like that. I'll be back in a bit..." *kisses Chaeng's cheek then goes to the bathroom*

We've already painted the walls and put some minor things in the nurseries like pictures in rugs.

Lisa: "Should we starts opening up the boxes while we wait for unnie?"
Chaeng: "Yeah, let's do that."

We were on the floor opening the boxes when Jisoo came from the bathroom and started to help us as well. We started with the most colorful nursery, which will be our baby A's little nursery. We finished the first nursery and move to the next one , which will be our little boy's nursery. As we were opening the boxes for this nursery, Lisa and Jennie were attacked by little hands that belonged to Evy and Eris. We all smiled and laughed a little then we turned around to see Min Joon, Jadessa, and Bronwyn walk in, Min Joon holding Bronwyn's tiny left hand and Jadessa holding Bronwyn's tiny right hand. They asked if they could help, but we all had to say no. They were a bit sad but then went downstairs and probably outside to play. After 5 and a half hours, we had successfully finished all 3 nurseries. It felt so good to finish them all and finally get a good rest after almost 6 hours of work.

The next thing will be ALL their rooms.😊 Thanks for reading, byeee!!👋👋💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟

This is the dollars to won searching that I did:

This is the dollars to won searching that I did:

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