Chapter 4: Surprise!!

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Jennie's P.O.V.
It's been about a year and 7 months since Lisa and I's wedding. During the last month, I've been quite moody and feeling super nauseous. I was starting to think that I may be pregnant. I was trying to get out of bed without waking up Lisa, but I failed because Lisa is a really light sleeper.

Lisa: "Where do you think you're going? *Raspy and playful tone*

Lisa grabbed my waist and pulled me back to bed, wrapped her arms around me, and cuddled me.

Jennie: *Smile* "I was gonna go meet with my doctor."
Lisa: "You still feeling nauseous?"
Jennie: "Yeah." *Pouty tone*
Lisa: "Do you want me to accompany you?"
Jennie: "I'm sorry, baby girl. I was already gonna ask Rosélle to accompany me."
Lisa: "It's alright. I'll go make you breakfast while you get ready."
Jennie: *Turns to Lisa* "Thank you, babe." *Kisses Lisa* "Mmm. I love the taste of your lips."
Lisa: "I know you do."

Lisa let me go, got up, and went downstairs to make breakfast.

Lisa: "Jen, how many pancakes do you want?" *From downstairs*
Jennie: *Comes downstairs in robe* "Can I have 3?" *Cute tone*
Lisa: "You want 3? These are nicely sized."
Jennie: "Yeah." *Back hugs Lisa*
Lisa: "Ok. Anything for you, my queen." *Smiles*
Jennie: *Smiles*

Lisa's P.O.V.
I put the pancakes and eggs on plates and put the plates on the table.

Jennie: *Grabs her plate* "Thank you." *Starts eating*
Lisa: "You're welcome."
Jennie: *Didn't realize she's eating too fast*
Lisa: "Hey! Agi mandu! Slow down." *Takes the fork from Jennie*
Jennie: "Yahh! Give it back!"
Lisa: "Not until you finish what's in your mouth. You're going to choke."
Jennie: "Fine." *Finishes food* "There. Now can I have my fork back?"
Lisa: "Sure" *Gives fork to Jennie*

Jennie's P.O.V.
*5 minutes later*
Jennie: "I'm done now." *Looks at Lisa* "I'm gonna go change."
Lisa: "Ok."

After 10 minutes, I came downstairs and put on my shoes and coat, grabbed my keys, kissed Lisa goodbye, and left.

Rosélle's P.O.V.
I heard a car horn outside and I guessed it was Jennie.

Rosé: "Chaeng! I'm going now!"
Chaeng: "Wait, Rosé!" *Comes downstairs* "Where are you going anyway?
Rosé: "I'm going with Jennie to her doctor's office."
Chaeng: "Oh, ok. Be safe."
Rosé: "I will."

I left the house with Jennie.

*In Jennie's car*
Rosé: "Hey, Jen!"
Jennie: "Hey!" *Starts to drive*
Rosé: "So, why are we going to the doctors office?"
Jennie: "Well, I've been feeling nauseous for the last month, and..."
Rosé: "You think you're pregnant; don't you?"
Jennie: "Yeah."
Rosé: "I can't wait to be a god mom!" *Excited* *Puts a hand on Jennie's stomach*
Jennie: *Laughs at Rosé's action* "Get your hand off my stomach!" *Playfully said then removes Rosé's hand*

Me and Jennie laughed at our silly antiques and she continued to drive.

Jennie's P.O.V.
When we got into the hospital, Rosé went to the waiting room, took a seat, and was on her phone. I on the other hand, checked in first, went to the waiting room, took a seat next to Rosé, and then went on my phone, waiting to be called.

*10 minutes later*

Doctor: "Mrs. Kim-Manoban!"
Jennie: *Looks up and smiled*
Doctor: "I'll see you now."

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