Chapter 13: Very exciting 5th month

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Chaeng's P.O.V.
Today's gonna be an AWESOME day. Jisoo is 22 weeks today, which is in the middle of her 5th month. We've got a doctors' appointment to find out the genders of the babies. There are almost 10 different ways the babies could be in gender! With triplets, you could have boy boy boy, boy boy girl, boy girl boy, girl boy boy, boy girl girl, girl boy girl, girl girl boy, or girl girl girl. We're all hoping for at least 1 boy and 1 girl. We all will be ok if we have all boys or all girls, but we're hoping that there's at least 1 boy and 1 girl. Last week, I told my sister about the appointment and asked her if she wanted to come and find out the genders is with us. She said yes and now she's finally on her way to the house. I haven't seen Rosé much since she moved out and has her life all settled and everything because she's been pretty busy with her career.

 I haven't seen Rosé much since she moved out and has her life all settled and everything because she's been pretty busy with her career

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Rosé's P.O.V.
Right now, I'm in my car driving to my sister and sister-in-law's house. Today's the day that I'll find out if I have more nephews, or some nieces. I'm so excited! I know ninja is going to be a very helpful and good oppa... or hyung... or both. Ok, I've just made it to the house. I'm so excited to see them all after 4 or 5 months! I walked up to the door, knocked, and like 6 seconds later, the door swung open to reveal and ohhh so familiar face, my sister.

Chaeng: *super excited* "Rosie..." *smile*
Rosé: *super excited* "Chae..." *smile* *quickly pulls Chaeng into a big hug*
Chaeng: *hugs back* "I've missed you, Rosie."
Rosé: "I've missed you too, Chae! I'm super excited to go to this appointment. Say... where's my sister-in-law??

Jisoo's P.O.V.
I was excited to see Rosé again after like 5 months, so I got up and waddled to the door. When I got to the door, I found Chaeng and Rosé hugging. It made me really happy that they could be together again after 5 long and busy months. I started to tear up and sniffle a little.

Chaeng's P.O.V.
As I was hugging my sister, I heard some sniffling behind me. I turned around and saw that it was my wife who was sniffling. I got a bit concerned about why she was crying, so I hugged her and kissed her cheek. After hugging her and kissing her cheek a couple times, I just held her in my arms with one hand around her and the other on her belly bump.

Chaeng: "Hey, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"
Jisoo: *wipes the small tears* "I'm just really happy that you and Rosé get to see each other again."
Rosé: "Awww, so sweet."
Jisoo: *smiles* "Ok, I'm good now. Hugs!" *hugs Rosé*
Rosé: *hugs back*
Jisoo: *breaks the hug* "It's really good to see you again, Rosé."
Rosé: "Same! I haven't seen you all in 5 months. Chaeng looks the same, but now you're all belly!

We all laughed and then went inside to the oh so familiar living room.

*1 hour later* Jisoo's P.O.V.
Rosé and Min Joon saw each other and hugged for a bit, then we all got in the car and drove to the doctors' office. When we were called back, the doctor did the ultrasound and checked my blood work from last week.

Doctor: "Ok, we've got the results of the genders."
Min Joon: "Is there a boy?!" *excited*
Jisoo: "Min Joon, be patient."
Doctor: "Ah, it's alright. He is right though."
Jisoo: "There's a little boy?!" *super excited* *crying of happiness*
Doctor: "Yes, there is. Triplet A is a girl

Triplet B is a boy

And triplet C is another little girl."

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