Chapter 16: 8th Month/3D scan

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Jisoo's P.O.V.
Today's a really special day because today we're going to the doctors' office for the 3D scan. I'm 33 weeks as of 2 days ago. My back, feet, and legs are KILLING me! I really excited to see all 3 of our babies.

Chaeng: "Hey, babe. Are you ready to go?" *holds Jisoo's hand*
Jisoo: "Yeah, of course. Are you ready?"
Chaeng: "Yeah."
Jisoo: "I'm gonna get Min Joon. We'll meet you downstairs.
Chaeng: "Yeah, ok." *kisses Jisoo* *goes downstairs*

After Chaeng left, I went to Min Joon's room.

Jisoo: "Hey, bud."
Min Joon: *looks up from the book* "Oh. Hey, mommy."
Jisoo: "Whatcha' doin', bud?"
Min Joon: "Just reading my book."
Jisoo: "What are you reading?"
Min Joon: "The second book of The Boxcar Children."
Jisoo: "Cool! Well, come on, bud. We have to go to the doctors' office to see your brother and sisters."
Min Joon: "Ok. Can I bring my book?!"
Jisoo: "Of course."
Min Joon: "Yay!" *grabs the book, stands up, and runs downstairs*

Min Joon's super excited to be a big brother and Chaeng and I are super excited to meet our babies. I can't believe in the next month, they'll be here. It's exciting and terrifying. I went downstairs, we all got into the car, and Chaeng drove us to the doctors' office.

*20 minutes later* Chaeng's P.O.V.
We were finally called, so I got up and followed the doctor to the back.

Doctor: "Hello, you all."
Jisoo: "Hi, doc."
Doctor: "So, today, we'll be doing the 3D scan. You all excited?"
ChaesooJoon: "Yeah!"
Doctor: "Ok, let's start then." *starts 3D scan*

After about 10 to 15 minutes, the doctor finished the 3D scan. It was sooo cute to see pretty much how they will look.

This chapter is short. Sorry, yeoleobun!

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