Chapter 17: 9th and final month

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Jisoo's P.O.V.
Hey, everyone. Currently, I'm laying on my hospital bed, holding Chun-Hwa. Chaeng is slowly walking around our hospital room, holding Nari, and Rosé is sitting on the little couch, holding Hyun Ki. Yep, you heard me. I had the triplets 4 days ago on October 11th at 1:39 A.M. At 1:39 A.M, Nari was born, at 1:42 A.M, Hyun Ki was born, and at 1:45 A.M, Chun-Hwa was born. I had a C-section and was only able to see them for about 5 seconds each before they were taken away to be cleaned off and then taken to the NICU. I was released from the hospital yesterday, and now today, for the 1st time since they were born, I get to actually hold them. One of the happiest moments in my life, is right now. I'm so happy.

Jisoo: "Hello, my little girl. You're so cute." *holds Chun-Hwa's little hand* *lovingly smiles at Chun-Hwa* *kisses her hand and head* "You sure are one beautiful little thing. You're my little baby. I love you."

When they were born, they each weighed 2 Kilograms. Nari is taller than Hyun Ki and Chun-Hwa and Hyun Ki is taller than Chun-Hwa. Min Joon, Nari, and Chun-Hwa all mostly look like me, but Hyun Ki looks like a perfect mixture of Rosé, Chaeng, and their dad. He has puffy cheeks like Chaeng, blue eyes like Rosé and his grandpa, and light golden brown hair, which is a perfect mixture of Chaeng and her dad's hair colors. Hyun Ki has a good amount of traits from Chaeng and her side of the family. But, he also has a few traits from me. He has my nose, mouth, and eye shape. Not the eye color, just the eye shape. My favorite thing is about Hyun Ki is his eyes.

Jennie's P.O.V.
It's 8:29 A.M and Bronwyn's finishing her 3rd bottle of the day. We're going to the hospital in about 30 minutes to meet the triplets. Chaeng told us that they were born on October 11th, Nari was born at 1:39 A.M, Hyun Ki at 1:42 A.M, and Chun-Hwa at 1:45 A.M. She told us that they were really small, but that's normal for triplets. When having multiples, they're usually a bit smaller than a singular baby. This is due to lack of growth room in the womb. When Evy and Eris were born, they were just a little smaller than average. That's only 2 babies. 3 babies will be even smaller. As I was with Bronwyn as she's drinking her bottle, Lisa is getting our older kids ready.

Lisa's P.O.V.
Jennie's in charge when it comes to mostly everything we do, but sometimes, like now, we separate. She gets Bronwyn and I get Evy, Eris, and Jadessa. At the moment, Evy's in her room, waiting for me to help her, Jadessa's old enough to get herself fully dressed, so she's in her room, getting ready, and I'm almost done helping Eris, before sending him to Jennie.

Lisa: "There you go, buddy."
Eris: "Thank you, eomeoni!"
Lisa: *smiles at Eris* "Ok. Go to Jadey noona's room and get her and go to mommy, ok? She's downstairs."
Eris: "Ok, eomeoni." *kisses her cheek* *runs off*
Lisa: *smiles*

I stood up and walk to Evy's room.

Lisa: "E-van-ge-line." *sing-song voice*
Evy: "Eo-meo-ni." *sing-song voice*
Lisa and Evy: *laugh*
Lisa: "You got the outfit that you picked out?"
Evy: "Yes, eomeoni."
Lisa: "Ok, c'mon."

I helped Evy get out of her pajamas, into her outfit, kissed her head, and walked downstairs with her.

Jennie's P.O.V.
Bronwyn finished her bottle just as I saw Eris and Jadessa coming downstairs in their cute little overall outfits. They look so adorable!

Jadessa: "Eomma!" *runs to her* *hugs her*
Jennie: "Hi, monkey!" *hugs her back*
Jadessa: *tickles under Bronwyn's chin*
Bronwyn: *giggles*
Jadessa: *Eomma, is Bronwyn gonna wear an overall outfit too?"
Jennie: "She is!"
Jadessa: "Yay! She's gonna look so cute!"
Jennie: *sits Bronwyn on the floor with some toys* "Can you two watch Bronwyn for a bit?"
Eris: "Yeah, we watch her for you, mommy."
Jennie: "Ok, you two." *kisses all 3 of their heads* *runs to her and Lisa's room*

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