Chapter 15: Month 7/baby shower/names

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Jennie's P.O.V.
Today's Jisoo's baby shower and she and Chaeng will be finally telling us the names! They didn't want to have a huge party, so there will only be 15 people in total at the party. Will be Chaeng, Jisoo, Lisa, me, Min Joon, Jadessa, Evy, Eris, Bronwyn, Rosé, Jisoo's mom and dad, Chaeng and Rosé's mom and dad, and Hayun. Chaeng is wearing an incredible white suit and Jisoo is wearing an absolutely beautiful white Chiffon gown. Jisoo wanted to have and outside baby shower, and since Lisa and I have a big backyard, that's where it'll be held at. Lisa and I thought we need a bit more help, so I called Rosé to see if she had a clear schedule. Rosé said she asked her boss if she could have 4 days off, and he said yes. 2 days before the baby shower, to help Lisa, Hayun, and I, the day of the baby shower, and the day after so she can spend some time with her sister, sister-in-law, and nephew. Me, Lisa, Rosé, and Hayun spent 2 and a half days on this baby shower.

 Me, Lisa, Rosé, and Hayun spent 2 and a half days on this baby shower

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Evy: *walks up to Jennie and pokes her hip* "Mommy, where's god mommy Jisoo and chipmunk god mommy? I want to show them all the hard work that you, eomeoni, Rosie god mommy, and Hayun unnie put into the baby shower for them

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Evy: *walks up to Jennie and pokes her hip* "Mommy, where's god mommy Jisoo and chipmunk god mommy? I want to show them all the hard work that you, eomeoni, Rosie god mommy, and Hayun unnie put into the baby shower for them.
Jennie: "Aw, Evy. That's really sweet. I think a god mommy Jisoo might be in the bathroom."
Evy: "Ohhh. Chipmunk god mommy?"
Jennie: "She should be in the kitchen helping eomeoni bring some stuff outside."
Evy: "Ok, mommy. Consomnida!" *runs off yelling "chipmunk god mommy!"*

Lisa's P.O.V.
Chaeng took the last of the stuff outside then was dragged away by Evy. I found Jennie putting the last chair outside, so I went over to talk to my wife. I walked up to Jennie and back hugged her and rested my chin on her shoulder and my hands on her clothed stomach. Stupid shirt keeping me from touching my wife's beautiful stomach!

Jennie: *a little shocked*
Lisa: "Hello, beautiful." *kisses her neck lovingly over and over*
Jennie: *smiles* "Hi, Lisa."
Lisa: *smiles* *continues kissing Jennie's neck*
Jennie: *enjoying Lisa's kisses and rests her hands on Lisa hands*
Lisa: *stops*
Jennie: *a bit sad*
Lisa: "Don't be sad, baby."
Jennie: *turns around pouting*
Lisa: "Do you want me to kiss that pout away?"
Jennie: *pouts even more* *soft kitty eyes* *nods cutely* "Yeah."
Lisa: *kisses her repeatedly until she smiles her adorable gummy smile*
Jennie: *happy agian* "Thank you, babe..."
Lisa: "You're very welcome."
Jennie: *pecks Lisa's lips*
Lisa: *stares into Jennie's beautiful cat eyes* "I love you, Jennie."
Jennie: "I love you too, Lis."
Lisa: "Jennie, I don't think you know how much I love you. I love you from the bottom of the core of my soul. Jennie, I love you so very much." *very sincere*
Jennie: "Lis, we've been married for 6 years. I know you love me, and I love you so very much too." *holds her face and kisses her lips lovingly*
Lisa: *smiles a big smile*
Jennie: "I love you."
Lisa: "And I love you."
Jenlisa: *smiles lovingly at each other*

Me and Jennie were just smiling at each other when Eris walked up to us holding Bronwyn's hands.

Eris: "Bronwyn needs a diaper change."
Lisa: "Ok, thank you, buddy." *takes Bronwyn to change her diaper*

*2 hours later* Jisoo's P.O.V.
Jisoo: *gets everyone's attention* "Thank you all for coming to my baby shower, planned by Lisa, Jennie, Rosé, and Hayun. Thank you all for the gifts, but now it's time for the names.
Everyone: *cheers*
Chaeng: "The names are...

Nari Lily,

Hyun Ki Wise,

And Chun-Hwa Blossom."

Hey, everyone! Author here. I just realized as I was writing this chapter, Bronwyn and Nari have the same middle name just the slightest 1 letter difference........

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