Character 11: 3rd Month

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Chaeng's P.O.V.
Not much has been going on in our lives as much as it has been before. Besides Jisoo's check-up for the end of 1/3 of her trimesters, we don't have much going on today. In the next couple of months, we'll be able to know the genders of the babies. And yes, I said genders and babies. Last month, a couple weeks after be surprised Jadessa, Evy, and Eris with my wife's pregnancy, we had an appointment for Jisoo's monthly check-up. When we were there, and the doctor brought us back, he noticed that Jisoo's bump was bigger than it should have been for her only being a couple months into her pregnancy. The doctor immediately did an ultrasound and did it VERY thoroughly so he could make sure that everything was still ok. After 10 minutes of checking on the baby and doing his thorough search, he found something. Or 2 somethings. The doctor found 2 more babies, yet they were sharing the same placenta. The doctor quickly called in some nurses. At this point, Jisoo was scared because she thought that something bad had. Me and the doctor reassured Jisoo that all was fine... more than fine. The doctor only called in some nurses so they could start monitoring the other babies as well as our 1st baby. We left the doctors' office 40 minutes later with smiles on our faces. Each baby was fine, healthy, and a good size for them to be triplets. We're having triplets! The 1st baby will be more fraternal to the other babies. Our 2 "new" babies will be identical to each other. Jisoo told me I could pick all 3 names and she'll pick out the middle names. I'm so excited!

Jisoo's P.O.V.
We've got a check up today in an hour so we got ready, got in the car, and drove to the doctors' office. When we got to the doctors' office, we checked in and found seats in the waiting room. After 10 minutes, we'll come back.

Doctor: "So Jisoo, how have you been feeling?"
Jisoo: "I've been good. This month, I had a bit of morning sickness but not as much as before."
Doctor: "Ok, good. No morning sickness is always good."
Jisoo: "Yeah, it is."
Doctor: "So, we're just gonna be doing the monthly ultrasound and you'll be out of here in about 10 minutes." *smiles*
Jisoo: "That would be great."
Doctor: "Do you two have any names picked out yet?"
Chaeng: "We do."
Doctor: *doing the ultrasound* "Well that's a great thing."
Chaeng: "Yeah. She let me pick the first names and then she'll pick the middle names."
Doctor: "Ohh, that's great. It's always great to have both parents pick something for their babys' names."
Chaeng: "Yeah. We picked out 3 girl names and 3 boy names."
Jisoo: "The boy names are themed wisdom, knowledge, and intelligence. Things like that."
Chaeng: "And the girl names are themed flowers."
Doctor: "I'm sure the 6 names that were chosen are beautiful and will be a great fit for your 3 little angel bundles of joy."
Chaeng: "I'm sure they will be too. I'm so excited to find out the genders so they can officially have their names!"
Doctor: "Well, you'll know in about 8 weeks. Jisoo, you'll be around or be 20 weeks or 5 months by then. After the gender appointment, the most exciting appointment will be the 3D ultrasound at about 8 months." *finishes the ultrasound* "There we go. All good to go." *smiles*
Jisoo: "Thank you."
Chaesoo: *leaves*

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