Chapter 12: Plain 4th month

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Guys, I've completely lost track of all of the kids' ages. I tried to do the math, and I swear I literally can't. Min Joon is supposed to be a year older than Jadessa, Jadessa is supposed to be like 3 years older than the twins, and the twins are supposed to be like 2 years older than Bronwyn. I tried to do all of the things that you did to do or just whole math thing, and I just cannot figure it out. If you look back through some of the chapters and stuff and find like where it says like their ages and like a month or so later, it's like it adds up to a different number than what my math is telling me. I'm so confused I know I probably shouldn't be because this is my story, but I am. Just know this; starting right now Min Joon is 7, Jadessa is 6, twins are 3, and Bronwyn is 1. I want all of you to forget any other ages that I have put in this story for the children oh, and go by the ages that I just said. Thank you! Now, on with the chapter...

Chaeng's P.O.V.
Today's been a good day so far. Me, Jisoo, Min Joon, Lisa, Jennie, Jadessa, Evy, Eris, and obviously Bronwyn are all gonna meet up at the park for a bit. 4 times every month, the kids have a playdate. This is going to be their 4th and last playdate of the month.

Min Joon: "Mama! Can I wear my Harry Potter shirt?!" *runs to her*

Min Joon: "Mama! Can I wear my Harry Potter shirt?!" *runs to her*

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Chaeng: "Of course you can, buddy." *smiles at him*
Min Joon: "Thanks, mama!"
Chaeng: "No problem."
Min Joon: *runs off*

Min Joon may only be 7, but he loves listening to my wife read a chapter of Harry Potter to him every night before bed. I love that he's gotten into books. It makes Jisoo you so happy.

Jisoo: *walks into the room* "Hey, babe."
Chaeng: *smirks a little* "Hey, prego."
Jisoo: *glares* "I told you to stop calling me that." *says while pointing at Chaeng and walking up to her*
Chaeng: *holds Jisoo's arms and laughs* "Well you are pregnant, aren't you?" *smirks*
Jisoo: "Well yeah, but still."
Chaeng: "But still nothing, it's so cute."
Jisoo: "I guess it's a tiny bit cute, but it's cringey and weird."
Chaeng: "I might keep calling you that though."
Jisoo: "And when you do, you will get hit."
Chaeng: *acts hurt* "You would hit your precious hubby?"
Jisoo: "If my precious hubby keeps calling me by the really cringey nickname "prego", yes, I would." *serious*
Chaeng: "Alright alright!" *puts hands up in defence* "You win."
Jisoo: *smiles with victory* "Yay."
Chaeng: "So, how are you feeling?" *bit more serious*
Jisoo: "I'm really good." *quickly gets really excited* "Oh oh oh oh!"
Chaeng: "Yah, what happen??" *a bit worried*
Jisoo: "A bit earlier today, I felt some 1st little movements!" *SUPER excited*
Chaeng: "Jinja?!"
Jisoo: "Yeah!"
Chaesoo: *SUPER excited*
Chaeng: *kisses Jisoo's somewhat small somewhat medium sized bump* "I love you."
Jisoo: "I love you too, hubby." *smiles*
Chaesoo: *kisses*

Jennie's P.O.V.

Jennie: "Lisa, could you put Kuma and Kai's leashes on them?!"
Lisa: "Ok!" *from downstairs*

Today, we are all going to meet up at the park, and we're also bringing the dogs. Now, Ku, Kai, Dalgomie, and Pikachu can have a playdate too.

Jennie: *getting Bronwyn dressed* "Can you say eomma?"
Bronwyn: "Eo. Eomm."
Jennie: "Eomma. You can say it. Eomma"
Bronwyn: "Eommaaa. Eommaa."
Jennie: *gasp* "You said it, baby!" *picks up Bronwyn and dances around the room with her* *super happy*

I'm so so happy that Bronwyn said her first word! She's such a big girl now.

Jennie: *puts Bronwyn on the bed and jumps around* "Eeee!! She said it!!"

Lisa's P.O.V.
I was downstairs making sure everything was ready, when I heard squealing and thumping coming from upstairs. Me being me, I jogged up the stairs to our bedroom.

Lisa: "Babe, you ok?"
Jennie: *looks at Lisa* "Oh, I'm MORE than ok. Bronwyn said eomma!!

As soon as Jennie finished her sentence, my eyes went huge and one of my biggest smiles spreas across my face.

Lisa: "Really?! She said it?!"
Jennie: "Yes, she said it!"
Lisa: *walks over to Bronwyn and picks her up* "Are you talking now, baby?"
Bronwyn: *giggles*
Lisa: "Aww, you're so cute." *tickles Bronwyn*
Jennie: "Say it again, baby. Eomma."
Bronwyn: "Eomma."
Jenlisa: *very proud*

*1 hour later at the park*
We've now been at the park for about 40 minutes now and Min Joon, Jadessa, Evy, and Eris are all running around and playing with each other and the other kids that were also at the park. While the kids are playing, Jennie is holding Bronwyn's ljttle hands and walking behind her and Bronwyn walks infront if Jennie, holding her hands and were all smiling and walking.

HaPpY jEnLiSa DaYyYyYy, EvErYoNe!!😊😊😊😊❤❤❤❤😍😍😍😍💖💖💖💖

I hope you all are as excited to hear HOW YOU LIKE THAT just as much as I am!😀😀😀😀


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