Chapter 8: The first babysitter

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Jennie's P.O.V.

Jennie: *sitting at her vanity and thinking*
Lisa: *standing at the door watching Jennie* "Jen."
Jennie: *turns towards Lisa* "Yeah?"
Lisa: "What are you thinking about?"
Jennie: "Just thinking about the kid's reaction to their first babysitter, and how she'll react to Bronwyn, and how she will care for them."
Lisa: "Jen, they will be ok." *walks to Jennie and puts a hand on her shoulder* *smiles* *kisses Jennie*
Jennie: *responds* *breaks the kiss* "Ok."
Lisa: *hears the doorbell ring* "I think the babysitter is here. Let's go."
Jenlisa: *goes downstairs and answers the front door*
Babysitter: *waves at Jenlisa* "Hi, my name's Hayun."
Jennie: offers hand* "Well, hi, Hayun. I'm Jennie and this is Lisa."
Hayun: *shakes Jennie and Lisa's hands* "So, how many little ones do you two have?"
Lisa: "We have 4. How about you come in, and the kids can introduce themselves to you."
Hayun: "Consomnida." *bows* *goes into the living room and sits on the couch*
Jennie: *closes the door, goes to the living room, and talks to Hayun about things she needs to know*
Lisa: *goes to get the kids* "Jadessa, go get your brother and sister then go to the living room."
Jadessa: "Ok, eomeoni." *goes to Eris's room and then Evy's room* "Come on, Evy! Come on, Eris! We have to go to the living room!"
Evy: "Ok, unnie."
Eris: "Ok, noona."
Jadessa, Evy, and Eris: *go to the living room*
Jadessa: "You called for us, eomma?"
Jennie: "Yes. Come tell the babysitter your names."
Jadessa: "My name's Jadessa."
Evy: "I'm Evangeline but you can call me Evy."
Eris: "I'm Eris!"
Hayun: "Well, nice to meet you all. My name is Hayun."

Lisa's P.O.V.
After the kids went downstairs, I went to Bronwyn's nursery to get her and bring her downstairs as well.

Lisa: *picks up Bronwyn, cradled and slightly bounced her, kissed her forehead, and walked downstairs with her*
Jennie: "There's my baby!" *takes Bronwyn from Lisa* "This is our 2 month old, Bronwyn. Do you know how to hold a baby?"
Hayun: "Yeah, of course. I have younger brothers and sisters."
Jennie: "Well, that's good." *smiles* "We really need to get going now. The kids can show you Bronwyn's nursery, the kids need to be in bed in an hour, and that's it."
Jenlisa: *kisses all their kids and leaves for the date*

Hayun's P.O.V.
After Lisa and Jennie left, I went to the kid's play room to ask where Bronwyn's nursery is.

Hayun; "Hey, Evy, can I ask you a question?"
Evy: "Sure. What is it, Hayun unnie!"
Hayun: "Can you take me to Bronwyn's nursery?"
Evy: "Yeah, sure."

I followed Evy ro Bronwyn's nursery and when we got there, Evy smiled and went back to play.

Hayun: "Oh little little Bronwyn. You have very good parents and siblings, little Bronwyn. Your parents are so very lucky to have such a sweet little angel like you, Bronwyn." *cradling and bouncing Bronwyn*
Bronwyn: *sleeping peacefully*
Hayun: "Ok, now it's time to let you sleep properly." *puts Bronwyn in her crib, checks the baby monitor, and leaves* *sits on the couch and goes on phone*
Eris: *comes downstairs* "Hayun noona, can you make us a snack, jabal?" *smiles*
Hayun: "Of course, Eris." *puts down the phone and goes to the kitchen with Eris*
Eris: "Can you make us tteok? I realllly want tteok."
Hayun: "Ok ok! I'll make tteok." *gets out the ingredients and other things she'll need* "This is only gonna take 15 minutes."
Eris: "Ok, I'll go tell Jadey noona and Evy noona."
Hayun: "Ok." *smiles*
Eris: *runs upstairs to the play room*

Eris's P.O.V.
After I made it upstairs, I ran to our play room to tell Jadey noona and Evy noona about the snack that Hayun noona's making.

Eris: "Noonas! Hayun noona is making tteok for us downstairs!"
Jadessa: "Oooo! I love tteok!"
Evy: "Me too! Can we go down and get some tteok?!"
Eris: "There's no point. Hayun noona said it's goona take 15 minutes."
Evy: "Can we go play with Bronwyn while we're waiting?"
Eris: "Yeah, let's go play with Bronwyn."
Evy and Eris: *starts to walk to Bronwyn's nursery*
Jadessa: "Jja-jeung na."(this ia a showing of frustration in Korea when you feel upset or angry about something or someone) *quickly gets up and runs to the door infront of Evy and Eris*
Evy: "Unnie!"
Eris: "Noona, umjig-im!"
Jadessa: "You can't play with Bronwyn!" *still blocking the door* *serious*
Eris: "Why can't we?"
Jadessa: "Because she's asleep, pabo!"
Evy: "Oh. Mianhaeyo, unnie."
Jadessa: "It's ok, Evy. We can go play downstairs."
Evy: "Ok, unnie." *goes downstairs with Jadessa and Eris*

Hayun's P.O.V.

Hayun: *putting the tteok onto a dish* "Hey guys, come downstairs!! Tteok is ready!!" *puts the dish of tteok on the dining room table and sits down*
Jadessa, Evy, and Eris: *comes downstairs and sits at the dining room table*(yeah, I know they already came downstairs)
All: "Jalmeokgesseumnida!"
Jadessa: "Hayun unnie? Can we eat the tteok now?"
Hayun: "Yeah, of course." *grabs a piece of tteok and bites it*
Jadessa: *picks up 3 pieces of tteok and gives 1 to Evy, 1 to Eris, and then bites into the 3rd one*

I'm so glad to see that Jadessa is being an amazing unnie and noona for Evy and Eris. She gave them a piece of tteok before she had her piece and it just warms my heart. I just bet she would make an excellent mom one day. As we ate our tteok, we decided to talk about the books, songs, and movies that they like. I've learned that it's really good to let the kids do most of the talking because it can improve their communication skills. In about 10 minutes, we're gonna have to finish snack and go upstairs to get ready for bed.

Jadessa's P.O.V. *10 minutes later*
Now that snack is over, we have to go upstairs to brush our teeth and put our pajamas on fir bed at 8. In about 5 minutes, like always, Bronwyn will be waking up to have her 6th and final bottle of the whole day. Eomma has Bronwyn on a bottke schedule that Hayun unnie has to follow. I got up from the table, went upstairs, did what I had to do, and came back down. I told Hayun unnie about Bronwyn's 8 o'clock bottle feeding and started to get the bottle ready. As I got the bottle already, the twins were in their rooms putting on their pajamas, and Hayun unnie went to get Bronwyn. In the next 5 minutes, I was in my room, sleep.

Hayun's P.O.V. *8:40 P.M.*
It's now 8:40 and I've just finished burping Bronwyn, putting Bronwyn back to sleep in her bed, and the kids are all sleeping peacefully. While waiting for Jennie and Lisa to come back home, I sat downstairs and went on my phone. Jennie and Lisa got home in the next 10 minutes or so and I was happy to finally go to sleep. When they got home, we exchanged a bit of words, they paid me, and I left for my home.

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