Chapter 11 {Cass' POV}

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Cass’ POV

The rec-room was so much more crowded than usual, with all of the extra campers. Percy, ran inside, Beth and Shadow following not long after, as they sat down, Chiron cleared his throat for silence, even though no one was talking. “We have a prophecy”, Chiron announced, before handing our attention over to Rachel.

“Yeah, I was at home, talking to my dad, when he said I started spewing green mist and said another prophecy”, Rachel said, leaving us to ask the question everyone knew was coming next.

“So what was it?” Clarisse asked. Leave it up to her to ask the question we were all thinking.

“17 demigods will accept the quest

They will travel miles to the west

The dove, the trident, the skulls and hearths

And the wings and the sun will prove what they’re worth

The plant, revenge, prophecy and war

Greeks and Romans unite to break down the door

If let loose, chaos will reign

The world will unite in a shadow of pain

So choose the right one, so you won’t fall

And kill your friends, enemies, and family all”, Rachel announced, sitting down and handing over to Chiron once more.

“I have added it up, and we will need 1 member from the Aphrodite cabin, 1 from the Poseidon cabin, 3 from Hades, 3 from Hephaestus, 2 from Hermes, 1 from Apollo, 1 from Demeter, 3 from Nike, as well as Octavian and Reyna from Camp Jupiter”, Chiron announced, before dismissing us to go back, and choose who would partake in the quest.

I looked at Nick and Oliver from across the room, and saw the expression that was on my face, was also on theirs. We had all realized the three of us would be going on this quest, as the three co-counselors from Nike.

We walked out of the Big House in silence, before going back to our cabin to pack up our things, and announce to our siblings where we were going.

A/N: WE HAVE A QUEST! The rest of the choices for the questers are going to be in a seperate chapter. Can you imagine how much chaos the Aphrodite cabin will be in? Obviously, Beth is supposed to go, as she was invited to the meeting, but what will Drew think of that???

Bye my French-Fries

Beth xx

P.S I've already started the next chappie!

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