The Mistake has Arrived

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A/N: Kayla is an O/C so don't come for me ok

Clint, Sam, Steve, Bucky, Natasha, Scott and Tony all sit in the kitchen, stuffing their faces with waffles and not worrying about anything that's going on in the world. Including the huge mission they're meant to go on tomorrow morning to a hydra base that they could easily be killed in if they aren't careful.

As the lift doors 'ding' and open, the Avengers look round to see a young girl (around 15-16) wearing denim shorts and an oversized white t-shirt (with a suspicious looking burn on the bottom of it), who was glued to her phone as if it was life support (which let's face it, it pretty much is).

As she walks in, she decides not to check whose in the room before literally screaming "WHATS UP BITCHES. THE MISTAKE HAS ARRIVED" and then yeeting herself out the window whilst screaming "THE MISTAKE HAS NOW LEFT". The group, apart from Tony (who just looks disappointed but not surprised) glance at him in shock.

"That's Kayla by the way. Kayla does what Kayla wants."

2 minutes later, Kayla walks back in the room and goes instantly to the fridge, grabs a granola bar (cause she's a healthy bitch) and a double chocolate muffin with covered in hot fudge sauce, topped with popping candy, kitkats and m&ms (so healthy ikr) before eventually realising whose actually in the room.

When she does it realise whose in the room, however, she shrugs her shoulders, walks over to the window whilst eaten her muffin, and yeets herself out of it once again.

275 words
Written at 00:47am
I'm tired af
Help me 😂

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