The Mafia Soulmate

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Everybody has a soulmate. Even the deepest, darkest, most evil members of the Italian Mafia have one. Their soulmates could work out, by being an equally evil member of some criminal organisation *cough* illuminati *cough* but sometimes, the most evil person in the world, could be paired with an angel. Someone that wants to save the world. Someone the opposite of Y/N.

When a child is born, every baby is given a small tattoo-like marking somewhere on their body. It was as if the universe decided from the day you were born who you were to spend the rest of your life with.

When a person meets their soulmate, part of their tattoo gains colour, showing that they have found their person. On this day, the tattoo will also gain a time and date, and a name, written in whatever the soulmate's handwriting would be just underneath the original tattoo.

People couldn't fall in love unless it was with their soulmate. So many people didn't go on dates and have flings with people, as they knew it would be pointless unless they were the one with the matching tattoo.

Y/N's was a small black spiderweb on her collarbone, that had a tiny black spider resting on it. She had no idea what it meant, but she hoped one day she'd meet her soulmate. However, she doubted it'd be easy, finding her person, as Y/N was the leader of the Italian Mafia, and had to keep under the radar at all times. She couldn't risk being found by the police, or worse, the Avengers.

To the Avengers, the mafia was almost as bad as Hydra, as they always seemed to work together in what they do. The mafia recruits assassins, Hydra trains them, and the assassins that weren't enhanced were sent back to be professional assassins that worked under Y/N. Hydra also helped hide the mafia, and in return, the mafia helped to hide Hydra. They were like one big secret enemy organisation, allies of eachother.

So when Y/N Y/L/N was sent on a hunt for the Avengers, it wasn't exactly what she expected. She knew that Hydra were stronger than her mafia team, but they wanted someone that looked like a regular person that could easily infiltrate Avengers Tower under the identity of an intern. So that's what Y/N had to do.

~~ 1 year later ~~

Y/N had been working at Avengers Tower for a year now, and had been promoted multiple times, shocking everyone in the company with her astonishing intelligence. She was now Tony Stark's personal intern. She had to follow him around at all times, collecting any papers and reading through them, before filing them away in the correct area. Admittedly, she was good at her job. Both jobs, however. She was collecting every bit of information she possibly could whilst interning underneath the billionaire. She was to be introduced to the Avengers for the first time tomorrow, as Tony had introduced her to a sparring session to help her bond with the team. It was the perfect opportunity. Y/N was an amazing fighter, so during the session she decided to not pull her punches, prove to the Avengers she was good enough. If she was lucky, they'd let her join the team. And at that point, she'd be in the perfect position to attack.

You never know, after this mission, she might have a chance to adventure out, meet her Soulmate.

Word Count: 585 words

I actually really enjoyed that and I'm planning to write a part 2 to this soon. It's actually not what I expected that I'd write at all, but I have another soulmate AU coming out at some point that I wrote by accident in my English lesson and I just need to change some words and it'll be perfect 😂

- See you next time x

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