The Soul Stone

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Yes, I have discontinued and deleted the field trip mini series. I might do one again but idk I just lost all inspiration for it.

Pain. That's all Penny Parker felt. Her body slowly being torn apart as she desperately apologised to Mr Stark, begging for some kind of comfort, something to stop the pain.

Pain. That's all the 17 year old girl felt as her beaten up body slowly put itself back together, piece by piece.

Pain. That's all the young spider felt as she opened her eyes to the endless orange landscape, completely isolated of people.

Penny forced her tired limbs to drag her body up, stumbling slightly as she got to her feet. She didn't know why, but she knew that she had to walk. Had to see if there was anyone there.

Even if there was a small chance of somebody being there, it was worth the effort of trying. It's not like she had anything else to do.

She didn't know how long she walked across the orange floor, or how far she went, all she knew was that she was going in the right direction. She didn't know why she knew this, but she just did.

After days? Months? Of endless walking, figures began to appear in the distance. Penny ran, desperate to see who it was. She quickly put her nanotech mask over her face, and ran as fast as she could.

Just her luck. It was the Avengers.

Standing in a group was a man with a metal arm from the airport fight; a dark skinned man with wings; a woman with long red hair; a dark skinned man in a panther suit; a tree; and one of the people that she recognised from Titan, who she thought his name was Quill.

They group turned around to see a short, feminine looking figure in a metal spider costume, standing nervously a few feet away from them. They all recognised her, of course, from the airport fight, but only Quill showed and recognition.

"Hey kid. Guess you got hit too. It'll be ok, I promise." He said, laying a hand on her shoulder and smiling softly. "Did Stark get hit?" He asked quietly. At this, the group turned to look at him, as Penny slowly shook her head.

"How do you know Stark?" Said Sam, looking between the masked girl and the space person.

"We fought alongside eachother on Titan. The kid here, she did good." He responded, smiling. Penny glanced at him, and then retracted her mask, showing her clearly young face to the group.

"Jesus you really are a kid. How old are you? What's your name?" Asked Bucky, smiling comfortingly at the young girl.

"Penny. Penelope. Parker. Penelope Parker.  Penny for short though. I'm 17." She stuttered, eyes darting around before realising she could only find a sense of calm in the long haired man with the metal arm.

Word count: 464
Time completed: 10:45pm

I might write a second part to this but I'm not sure. Please send requests as I'm really struggling to come up with ideas atm.

Love you all xxx

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