The Elementals (Part 3)

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Ok so this chapter really fucks up the timeline. The first chapter took place after Civil War, because Peter and T'Challa were there, but they talked it out. In this story, Ragnarok is INSTEAD OF INFINITY WAR.


Civil War - 2016
Ragnarok - 2018
Infinity War - Late 2018

The Avengers fought hard, each using their powers to there full force towards the powerful enemy. Eve, Breida, Jake and Tyler had been Avengers for around 6 months, but they'd never had to fight against an enemy quite this powerful before. They came from a mysterious planet in space, that even Thor had never heard of.

After the fight, everyone realised that Breida had a large cut across her chest, and alien tech embedded in her flesh. Thor grabbed hold of her and yelled for Heimdall to bring the Bifrost. Nobody realised that one of the stirring aliens got taken up as well.


An hour later, the remaining Avengers were sat around a large conference room when Thor burst through the door.

"It's Lady Breida, one of the aliens got caught in the bifrost and pushed her out the side whilst we were on our way back. I'm so sorry Lady Eve." He said, distraught. Eve went pale and stood up slowly, her hands shaking and her eyes glowing a dangerous green.

"You loose my sister? You loose your life." She says, particles collecting at her hands in her rage.

"Ok come on Eve, let's calm down now shall we?" Tony said, raising his hand to her shoulder. She turns to him, glaring into his eyes, and bursts him back with a shower of stones and boulders. Nobody wants to attack her, but they can't just let her kill them.

~~~3 months later~~~

-Unknown Planet-

"Miss Breida! Good morning! Today is your three month anniversary of being here on Sakaar!" A man walks in, with blue eyeliner and white hair, grinning happily at the young girl.

"Thank you Grandmaster! I'd like to thank you once again for allowing me to work with Valkyrie instead of making me a Champion. I really appreciate that." She says, smiling up at the man.

"It really is no trouble my dear, no trouble at all." He replies, smiling. "We have a new friend here! His name is Loki, he's managed to gain my trust and I would appreciate if you kept an eye on him" he continues.

Breida glances at him warily. Loki was the man who invaded earth back in 2012, why was he here on Sakaar?

Meanwhile, on earth

"10 more murders, South of France this time. Definitely Eve" Bucky says, looking at Steve and Natasha, who glance back at him with worried expressions.

"Thor left to do stuff for Asgard a month ago, perhaps there's a chance he could at least find Breidas body, try and bring Eve back." Steve said, glancing at his hands sat in his lap nervously.

Word count: 486 words
Written at: 5:48pm

Ew that was awful and I hate it but it introduces the main storyline I'm doing for this.

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- See you next time x

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