Bucky Barnes - Sunt lui... prieten

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Translation: I'm his friend


Alarms blaring all around the compound. The team rushed around, tripping over each others feet, trying to get to the jet so that they could stop the attack on New York, but ultimately failing at getting anywhere. But not just because of their general clumsiness. Because the jet was missing.

The attack on New York wasn't one that they were used to, like aliens or something. These were shooters, targeting a small area in Brooklyn. Their reason? They were bored. Only one Avenger had managed to convince them to go and help, otherwise it would've been left to the NYPD. But Bucky Barnes had his reasons to be there. His fiancé, that nobody knew about, the mother of his unborn child, was left in their apartment in Brooklyn that morning, with the promise that they'd see each other again that evening. Bucky couldn't risk not seeing her again.

But when they found the jet was gone, the team ultimately agreed to leave it, until turning to see Bucky on the verge of a mental breakdown. "Stark. Please. At least get there in your suit. Please. I beg you Tony, please." The use of Tony's first name shocked him. Bucky never called him that, only if he was truly desperate for his help.

After giving Tony the address, Bucky was forced to torture himself in the corner of the room, waiting and praying that his girl was safe. He needed Adelina.


Adelina's POV

I knew something was up. I could hear screaming from outside, terrible, painful screaming. I knew I should stay indoors, Bucky would kill me if I left. That's if I hadn't already died. But the sound of screaming terrified me. I wanted to help them.

The sudden knocking on the door scared me. I walked over to it, opening it by a crack, before looking up to see the confused face of Tony Stark. I sighed and looked down and my feet. Bucky told me that if anything ever happened, he'd send one of the fliers to come and get me. None of them knew who I was. I opened the door further and stepped back, gesturing for Tony to come inside. I'd speak to him, but I can barely speak English. Bucky had been trying to help me ever since he met me in Romania, but it's been really difficult to catch on. I know the basics, but that's all. Hardly enough to tell someone like Tony Stark who I was.

I go into my bedroom and quickly put on one of Bucky's hoodies to try and cover up my 6 month pregnant tummy. Nobody knew about that either.

I walk back out and Tony looks at me strangely, so I decide to try and piece together a sentence to explain myself

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I walk back out and Tony looks at me strangely, so I decide to try and piece together a sentence to explain myself. "I do not speak English much. Sorry" Tony nods, so I take that as though he understood. He takes out his phone and I see him go onto Google translate, before giving it to me. I scroll to Romanian, and begin typing. "My names Adelina and I'm Bucky's friend. I guess Bucky did send you though, right? Sorry about the language thing" As he reads it, he smiles and I hear him say no problem, something Bucky says a lot. I find myself wondering if Bucky learnt it off of Stark. Snapping myself back into reality, I watch as Tony types into his phone. "It's no problem Adelina. We need to go, so it's going to be a bit awkward. I'll have to carry you otherwise it'll be unsafe. Is that ok?" I nod and worry slightly about my baby. But Bucky wouldn't have sent Tony if it hadn't been ok, right?


Well I was wrong, I can tell you that much. That was the scariest thing I've ever had to do (and like, I've escaped from Romanian police and the Avengers and had to watch them take away the love of my life). Tony helped me down, and I just stood there in shock, holding my stomach gently. I think Tony had worked it out by now.

I followed Tony through the compound before entering a room where I could hear some kind of game blaring out of it. I look around to see the Avengers playing MarioKart? I mean... sure? Their heads all snap towards me, and I panic slightly before seeing Bucky. He stands up and walks towards me quickly, engulfing me in a hug. I hear him whispering words in my ear, thanking everything that I'm alive, quiet I love you's, sweet comforting words. He turns me around and clasps his hands around my stomach, clearly a way to make this gesture look normal.

"Guys.. this is Adelina. She's my... fiancé?" The reaction is immediate and I can't help but laugh. Two men, Sam and Clint (I think), plus Tony start shouting AYYYYYY, all the women smile gently and reassuringly at me, and everyone else looks on in shock. I notice one man looks far more shocked than the rest. I think that was Steve, Bucky's best friend from the 40s. I lean into Bucky and he smiles at me softly. "We met in Romania and she's still learning English, so there's a bit of a language barrier." I smile awkwardly, before Bucky whispers to me to go say hi to people.

After everyone introduces themselves to me, I can't help but wish we did this sooner. I love them all. I found out that Natasha, Clint, Bruce and Thor all speak Romanian as well, so that massively makes my time here so much nicer. (Thor has allspeak)

Around an hour later, I manage to make eye contact with Bucky from across the room and he smiles understandingly. Pregnancy makes me tired a lot easier, as does socialisation. Trying to work out English puts a lot of pressure on my mind, and that's tiring. I stand up as he does, and I giggle slightly as Steve instantly asks where we're going. According to Bucky, Steve's always been a mother hen to him. Bucky looks over to me, and I nod. They deserve this.

"Lina's tired so we're going to rest up in my room. Working out English words is tough on her mind" Steve nods and I can feel them all watching us as we leave the room. "Oh and obviously, pregnancy is difficult too." That's when all hell breaks loose.

Word count: 1075

Sorry for the late upload! I'm actually so so happy with how this turned out! I've been really struggling with writing recently because I start out with a decent idea and then by the end of the chapter it looses its flow and ends really badly, but I think I did well on this one!

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