Fallen Angel Part 3

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Still written by my friend whilst we're on holiday in Amsterdam

*Peter's point of view*

"HOLY SHIT" was all I could say. The rest of the team looked at me shocked by my reaction. I felt tears forming in my eyes as I fell to the floor melting like snow in summer. A puddle formed in the crease of my eye. From there all I could remember was blacking out.

*Steve's point of view*

I looked at the photo wondering who she is. She was gorgeous. I couldn't stop staring at her beautiful smile. Wake up Steve she is probably a Hydra agent. You can't be associated with her. "HOLY SHIT" I heard peter yell before falling unconscious. Tony yelled to F.R.I.D.A.Y telling her to find any background information on the mysterious 'wonder' girl before scooping peter up in his arms and carrying him to Petes room. As Tony stomped out of the room carrying peter with him I glanced over to Bucky who was blushing a tremendous lot. He liked her too. "Buck you know you can't like her right? She is most probably a Hydra agent" I noted. "I know but she is just gorgeous and that smile is so calming. I know you like her too!" He added on. My face turned a baby pink colour with embarrassment before I told him that "we should keep this to our selfs at the moment". "Any way I wonder why spidey over there freaked out like that?" He questioned. I replied "I don't know maybe we should go find out" and with that we left the room like the others.

*Peter's point of view*

I woke up blinded by the artificial light filling my room. Half the avengers were fast asleep lying in various pieces of furniture in various positions. Sam was on watch at the time and alerted others my awakening. Tony rushed over almost immediately tripping over the others sleeping body's. Thor said in a Loud booming voice "Pete your awake" which of course then awoke the others. "Yeah, yes I am awake." I replied. "What happened kid? Who is she?" Tony asked me as soon as he could get the chance to speak in between  Nat's rambling questions. "She...she's my cousin" I announced. By the astounding look on my team mates faces I felt embarrassed surrounded by judging glares. "Did I just hear you right" Bucky and Steve said in unison slightly flushed of colour.  "Yes I am afraid so" I said glancing at the floor.
"Friday, tell me any news you have found on her" "of course sir... Izzy Parker was born in Queens April 2000. Her mother, May is still alive however her Uncle and Father have unfortunately passed away. Her cousin Peter Parker lives under the same roof and..." "I will take over from there Friday if you don't mind " I interrupted "Her father was an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D who was killed in the tragic incident of 2014" I began to explain. "My mother, father and uncle, Izzy's dad, fought against Hydra in the Night sky, they were unstoppable until another plane appeared out of no where with a new advanced weapon that obliterated their plane leaving them crashing to the ground. They died an honourable death doing what they loved best, leaving my aunt May to look after us." I felt tears welling up in my eyes, batting my tears back I told them all that I knew. "Where is she now" Tony asked. I had to reply mumbling I responded "probably at home"

Word Count: 583 words

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