The Elementals (Part 5)

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"WHAT THE HELL LOKI?!?" Shouts Breida as they walk together towards the champions arena. "WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU LET THOR GO AND FIGHT? WE NEED HIM TO GET US OUT OF HERE" Loki rolls his eyes as the pair open the door into the VIP viewing area, the perfect place to watch the champions fight.

Breida had seen many fights, but never against the Grandmasters champion. There had been rumours of a monster, and that nobody had ever beaten him. As Breida was dwelling on this, the announcer spoke up and shouted above the roaring crowd, introducing Thor.

Breida stands nervously at the side of the room, hugging her arms. She needed Thor to be alive, she needed to get back to the Avengers. She needed to get back to Eve. Suddenly, a colossal thudding is heard across the arena, and the door is smashed open, revealing a massive green creature. The Hulk.

Silence falls upon the arena in respect for their champion, as Breida's heart thuds loudly in her chest. Bruce Banner, or the Hulk, has been missing from Earth for 2 years now, and he's really been here all the time!? Breida gasps and tries to hide her obvious happiness. She looks across in excitement at Loki, who looks purely terrified. Understandably, of course. She looks towards Thor, whose face turns into a mixture of confusion and happiness before cheering loudly.

"WE KNOW EACHOTHER! HES A FRIEND FROM WORK!" Thor shouts up at the grandmaster as Breida silently facepalms in the corner. Why was Thor being such an idiot? Breida needed him so she could get herself off of this stupid planet. It was boring and she missed Eve and practically everyone here was gay as fuck, so there was hardly anyone TO fuck.

Breida stands, watching through the window completely enthralled by the harsh fight taking place below her. At first, Hulk had nearly beaten Thor, them Thor was in the lead and had electrocuted Hulk, but then Thor got electrocuted somehow, and Hulk beat him. Breida watched as Hulk walked off to somewhere, and Valkyrie picked up Thor and followed the direction Hulk was heading in.

~~~ Time Skip because I don't know where I'm going with this ~~~

"Thor. Mate. So your saying. And I'm saying this completely with a straight face no laughs or giggles coming from me. That to get home. We have to fly through the Devils Anus?" Breida says in disbelief as she stares up at Thor incredulously.

"Well, yes Lady Breida. Pretty much." Breida rolls her eyes and then laughs again at the name of the space portal. To let off stress, she sets some of the plants on fire before kissing Thor roughly and running away, leaving Thor to be Lost and Confused.

As Breida walked out of Valkyrie's quarters, she turned the corner to see a large armoury, with Valkyrie herself standing inside. Breida coughs slightly, and gestures to the many weapons on the walls.

"These are some of the weapons I've picked up over the years, and of course my Asgardian Valkyrie armour." Breida picks it up, and looks at the warrior for permission, before slipping it onto her body.

"Breida! Valkyrie! We're ready to go!" Shouted Thor

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"Breida! Valkyrie! We're ready to go!" Shouted Thor. Time to go stop Hela.

Well that was crap and short and I hated it and it took. So. Long. To. Update. Sorry! I'm trying to finish my drafts so I can at least get some updates out before school starts again. Imma skip the Ragnarok fight btw and probably just go straight to Infinity War so that we can wrap up this series.

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