The Support Puppy

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Request made by iamKhrfan123 - I'm not sure if this is what you meant but I tried my best with it - hope you enjoy!

Clint's POV

"Sir, as you have had such a good connection with your previous rescue, Lucky, I was hoping you may be interested in adopting another". Clint sat on the kitchen counter, his one-eyed rescue dog laying loyally at his feet. The shelter had rung him again, asking if he wanted to adopt another puppy. Apparently she'd been trained in support for people with anxiety, but her owner that she helped had ended up abusing her in the first few months, meaning she became extremely wary around people and unable to be a professional support dog. Clint looked outside at his farm, watching as Cooper and Lila struggle to try and pick up Thor's hammer, Nathanial gurgles happily in Natasha's arms, and Laura watches all the Avengers as they try to help her with the barbecue, but ultimately failing. Whilst the team would never admit it, they all had issues with anxiety, and Clint knew for a fact that whilst Lucky the pizza dog was untrained in emotional support, he had definitely helped with his mental problems. Perhaps someone on the team would be grateful for having a dog, even if it was unable to have full qualifications anymore.

Rocky's POV

I don't know why I'm here. All I know is that one day he started beating me, and someone heard me cry, and now I was in a rescue centre. I know how to comfort people, but I'm too scared of them to do it anymore. Getting up from my bed, I walk over to the dish and start lapping up some water, before seeing a woman walk up to me in the corner of my eye. She opens the door to my enclosure and I flinch as she attaches a lead to my collar. Too scared to do anything else, I walk alongside her as she takes me to a car park. She opens up the back of a van and unlocks a cage door, before looking at me and patting the bedding inside.

"Come on Rocky, jump up" She says. I quickly do so, and I curl up at the back of the cage. She leaves the lead in the cage and locks the door, before shutting the van door. I hear her get into the front of the van and turn on the engine, before I feel us rumble away. It's pitch black back here, and I have no idea where I'm going.

It must have been a few hours later before I hear the woman get out of the van and come and open the door. I look up at her warily, hoping that the food and water in here was meant to be eaten and drunk. She opens the cage door and I see her take my lead, before gesturing to me to jump out of the van. As I do, I look around to my new surroundings. I see a group of people in a field and a house a few meters away. There's space to run for miles. I also see another dog, another golden one like me, but I can see that it only has one eye.

As we walk over to the group of people, I see one of the men lead the dog inside, before coming and saying hello to the woman. I'm trying my hardest not to shake, but I can't help it. I'm petrified.

"I'm probably not going to take her, but I know that any of my team would be happy to" the man says, taking my lead. He and the woman lead me to the group, and I'm shaking so much. I used to be such a sociable dog, but ever since he started beating me I've hated having to be near people because I become so scared.

The man stands in front of the group and I slowly take it all in. They start petting my head carefully and I try my hardest not to flinch away. At the final man, I realise that my training started kicking in. He has a goatee, and black hair, and a blue glowing thing on his chest. And he carries himself like all the people I was trained to look after. Pulling on my lead slightly, I manage to make the man drop my lead, before following the man. When he notices me, I lay down at his feet and put my head on his foot, looking up at him with my big eyes. He smiles gently and looks at the other man and the woman. She smiles softly.

"Rocky was trained to do that to people she connects with that have anxiety issues. She's currently trying to calm you down, sir. She's usually very wary around people, so I'm shocked.

The man picks up my lead and smiles at me. I instantly go to his side and lean my head against his hand. I want to help this man. He deserves it, I can tell

Word Count: 853
Written at: 11:41pm

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