The Elementals (Part 4)

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North of Poland, Early 2018

"This is no use! We need Thor, or Banner, or anyone stronger than her!" Tony said as he shot another repulser beam at the running figure. Every now and then, the girl would throw massive boulders up at him, as if they were emerging from the ground. Which of course, they were. This girl had the power to control earth, and the particles on it.

"Eve, please, we just want to talk to you. Please, just come with us" said Natasha, dodging the rocks that were thrown at her.

"YOU LOST MY FUCKING SISTER. WHY DO YOU EVER THINK ID HELP YOU??" Eve screams back at them, throwing as many rocks as she can. Without warning, the tell-tale sound of a spiderweb arrives.

"Eve, my love, please. I beg you to stop. If not for me, but for Breida." Peter said, slowly walking closer and closer to Eve.

"I can't make any promises Peter. I'm uncontrollable without Breida." She replied, looking down at her hands with guilt. She observes Peter as he stretches out a hand, and she then grasps it tightly. "I love you Peter. I'm sorry" she says, tears running down her dirt covered face. He reaches out and carefully wipes away her tears, smiling down at her.

The team walk back to the Quinjet, Peter still holding Eve's hand tightly. As they begin to travel back to New York, she speaks up, her English accent raspy, as though she'd either been screaming too much, or not talking enough. "How many people did I kill?" She said, looking down at the floor.

Natasha looks over at the young girl sympathetically. "Too many to count. We know it was at least 150 in the last 3 months, but it's yet to be confirmed." She said, deciding it was better to not beat around the bush about it. Eve looks down again, holding back a slightly guilty sob as Peter pulls her towards him and rubs her back gently.

Wiping away her tears, Eve speaks up again. "Where's Thor?" She says, looking around at the team.

"We don't know yet, he left a while ago and we're yet to find him again. Still no sighting of Banner either" Steve says as he puts away everyone's weapons. Eve looks down, unable to trust her own mind. She couldn't hurt her team. More importantly, she couldn't hurt Peter.

"When we get back I'm going into cryo. I can't trust myself to not lash out." She says, her hands wringing in her lap. Peter turns and looks at her incredulously, unable to believe that this damaged and unstable girl is his loud and excitable girlfriend. "Please. I need to." She continues.

~~ Sakaar ~~

"Breida, come on! The ravagers are trying to get a new crash lander, he could be good for us!" Valkyrie says, running as she picks up a few weapons. Breida looks up at her friend in disbelief, and then looks back down at the dead contester she was disposing of.

"Val, I'm literally holding a dead body right now. You go deal with that shit and bring him back here. We need a champion that can go against the big one. I've never even seen him before, I wanna know who he is" Breida says, shaking her head before taking another shot. On earth, she was too young to drink, so Sakaar was great. It was true though, in the 3 and a half months she'd been on Sakaar, she'd never seen the Grandmaster's champion. She'd heard rumours of him, a monster, but nothing more.

Valkyrie shakes her head and runs off to the scrapyard, leaving Breida to dump the remains of the body into an incinerator. Part of their jobs, as well as collecting new contenders that came through the Devil's Anus, was to dispose of any people who died in a fight, or kill off anyone who was almost dead. They weren't worth saving.

After throwing the body away, Breida stands up and wipes her hands on her leather pants, removing any blood from them. She walks out the room and towards the party room to meet up with Valkyrie and whoever the new contender was.


Walking into the room, Breida instantly spots Loki and wanders over to him. "You know, I still don't understand why your here. It's been like, a week now and you've never told me" She said, surprising Loki slightly. Loki rolls his eyes and walks off, ignoring the annoying girl.

A few minutes later, Breida was chatting with one of the guards, not noticing the new contender enter the welcoming process, until a slightly high pitched scream fills the room. Breida looks over and starts to make her way towards the new contender, but gets distracted by the bar.

Whilst drinking her shot, she hears someone whispering Loki's name, making her turn around quickly. Nobody knew Loki well enough to know his name. She watched as Loki walks over to the contender, before recognition washes over her. Thor.

She slides off the barstool, practically running towards her fellow Avenger. Arriving behind Loki, she hears them arguing about... chairs? She coughs and Thor turns suddenly, his confused face instantly becoming so happy and relieved.

"Lady Breida! Your alive! I can't believe this... this is amazing Breida! Wait till Eve sees..." he says, being cut off when the Grandmaster walks over.

Word count: 901

So that's that 😂 it was kinda bad lol but I need the story to progress a bit. In the next chapter I'm not really gonna have any Eve points, it's gonna be much more Breida-centric as I need to finish Ragnarok and start Infinity War so that we can get into the funnier part and then finish the story! Yeah it's a mess lol

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