I'm Sorry

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"Hey Mr Stark. I'm really sorry for everything I've ever put you through, you put up with way too much already and I just add way too much pressure onto you. I don't deserve you." Peter sighs and looks down, tears in his eyes, before looking back up to the camera. "Mr Stark, you're like a dad to me, and I know it weird to say that and I don't expect you to like me at all, but I honestly love you so much. Thank you for everything you've done for me." Peter switches off the camera, before turning it back on.

"Привет, Наташа и баки. Я люблю вас обоих так много, и я хотел бы сказать спасибо за доверие мне и заботиться обо мне. Спасибо, что учила меня русскому, это было так весело. Я делаю это, потому что я чувствую, что это немного личное дело. Наташа, твоя как мама для меня, ты заботился обо мне после смерти тети Мэй, и так добр ко мне. Баки, ваш, как лучший дядя, которого я мог когда-либо попросить, и я люблю вас так много. Вы доверяли мне так много рассказывал мне свое прошлое, и я хочу поблагодарить вас за это. Мне очень жаль, ребята, я люблю вас обоих так много." Peter sighs and wipes away a stray tear (The full translation will be at the bottom in the authors note). Resetting the camera, he turns it on again.

He stands up and starts signing in ASL (American Sign Language) "Hey Clint. I'm just gonna make this quick but your the best uncle I could ever ask for and I love you so much. You and Bucky have made my time here so much happier and I love you. Thank you Clint for being both my uncle and my best friend. I'm sorry" After signing his message, he turns the camera on one last time, this time full on sobbing

"Hey everyone. I'm sorry. I love you all so much and I'm sorry and you are the best family I could ever have. Thank you so much for loving me." Turning off the camera, Peter takes the USB stick and his suit, and swings back towards the tower. He's not wearing his suit, but it doesn't matter, it won't matter if people find out who he really is anymore.

After landing on the balcony, Peter leaves his suit and the USB stick on a table, along with a note with two words on it. I'm sorry. He looks through to the common room where some of the Avengers sat happily. They thought he was on patrol.

He turns around toward the New York landscape, taking off his web shooters and leaving them on the table as well.

And then he jumps.


It had been two days since the Avengers found the note, the suit and the USB stick, found the mangled body of a teenage boy in the private garden below the tower. Two days since their lives came to a abrupt stop.

Two days since they plugged in the USB stick and watched the 4 videos, understanding them in different ways. Two days since Tony had last slept, not being able to stop having nightmares of the boy in the video constantly apologising to him, and then laying dead at the bottom of the tower. Two days since the hardened Russian assassins were brought to floods of tears at the message made specially for them. Two days since the deaf archer let out a strangled cry and vomited because of the guilt he felt from the boy that he saw as his own. Two days since the Avengers understood that behind the happy personality, was a struggling child. Two days since the Avengers decided on someone to truly Avenge.

Word count: 627 words
Written at 4:46pm

I'm so sorry 😖
I'm crying this is so sad 😂😭

Peters message to Natasha and Bucky:

Hey Natasha and Bucky. I love you both so much and I wanted to say thank you for trusting me and looking after me. Thanks for teaching me Russian, it's been so much fun. I'm doing this because I feel like this is a bit of a private matter. Natasha, your like a mum to me, you've looked after me after Aunt May died, and your so kind to me. Bucky, your like the best uncle I could have ever asked for and I love you so much. You've trusted me so much with telling me your past and I  want to thank you for that. I'm so sorry guys, I love you both so much.

I'm in a bad mood because of something that happened so I decided to write some angst. Guess I succeeded 😂 I'm probably not gonna do much angst though unless I'm in a really bad mood.

As I always say, please make sure you send me requests! I love writing and love making things for you guys to enjoy!

Love you all xx

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