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The bell ringed and all the students ran to class before they could be marked late but the guy who was bothering Jimin wouldn't let him go to class. He just stood there and picking up on the new guy.

"I've never seen you before? Are you a new student?" Said the wolf, "maybe we could go play somewhere else, don't you think?"

"Jungkook!" Yelled a hybrid dog, running toward him. "What are you doing here? We're late for class"


"Are you bullying someone again?" Taehyung scold "Let's go" He grab him by the wrist and ran to the classroom all together.

Jimin didn't know what was going on. Things was going way to fast for his brain to calculate. Moments later, he was being bullied, minutes later, the bullied was being yelled at and another minter later they left. Jimin couldn't understand. He stood there for a minute before realizing that he was also late to class. He hold his paper forward as he look for the room that has the same number written in his paper. When he got inside the class, he couldn't believe his eyes. He is in the same class as his bullies.

"How worse can this day go"


Jimin pick up his breakfast and walk around to find a place to seat. While he was trying to find a seat, someone waved at him telling him to see with them.

"Over here!" He said but Jimin ignore, just because he's the guy who save him this morning doesn't mean he can't be a bully as well.

"Come seat with us" Taehyung tried again when he notices the pink cat walking away.

"Just leave it alone" Jungkook put his hand down, already ashamed of himself, how can his boyfriend yell at him?

"Jungkook, you cause all this so you should be thanking me trying to apologize" he said the focused back at Jimin "come here, we won't bite"

Jimin finally decided to give up but he only sat next to Taehyung.

"I'm sorry about earlier, my boyfriend tend to bully new students." Taehyung look at Jimin who already started drinking his milk

"Sure, no problem" Jimin shyly smiled

"What's your name by the way? I'm Taehyung, and this is my boyfriend Jungkook" he introduces

" I'm Jimin, but where's the two boy from earlier?" he asked looking around

"Oh, I don't know too. I was talking to them before you came" Jungkook answers

" I see..." He nodded

"Now that we're okay, we're all friends" Taehyung exclaimed, raising his milk in the hair so he can toast with the two guy but they ignore him.

" How long did you two knew each other?" Jimin asked, looking at the two couples seating in his left.

"Elementary" Taehyung answers

"Lucky, I didn't even went to elementary school" Jimin responded with a sad tone

" really? Why?"

" I couldn't find a place where I could fit because I'm a hybrid" He answers "but now that we're talking about hybrid "did you guys also have adoptive parents?"

"Don't we all?" Jungkook finally said something but looking away "we all have one... and believe or not, they're my 4th adoptive parents"

"4th?" Jimin was shocked, he wasn't expecting such an answer

"Right now my parents are my 1st but I don't believe that she's my real mom, the one who took care of my when I was a kid"

"What do you mean?" Taehyung asked

"Do you have a human sibling?"

"Yeah but we're not related"

"I have an older brother who's a human but our mother told us that I'm her real child, but I don't believe it"

"Of course not, you can't be related with him. You don't share a single drop of blood of him or the mother" Jungkook answers, getting up to throw away his garbage

" I know, I'm trying to tell him but I have to find some prof"

"But why are you doing this? If I was in your place, I wouldn't want to find out" Taehyung worries

"Because... because I like my hyung"

And without the prof he won't like me back


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