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Yoongi came back home once very excited. He called everyone to come to sit in the living room because he had something important he had to tell everyone. After making it downstairs, they stare at him waiting to know what's the reason behind his happiness.

"Mom, dad... I was waiting to tell you guys this after making sure everything was ready. So the thing is... I'm moving out!" He said excitedly.

Everyone in the room looks at him with winded eyes and of course, they threw him many questions that he expected.

"Why all of the sudden?"

"Who said you could?"

"Hyung you're gonna leave me all alone?"

Yoongi sighed before he could answer all the questions he expected.

"Mom, dad. I'm 19! I can't always live with you guys. I don't want to be a burden and for you Jimin, I will come to visit you all the times!!" Yoongi answered but no one had a happy face on.

"Come on now, I already prepared everything. I can't cancel now" Yoongi rubs his forehead waiting for someone to say something but no one was saying anything and just stare at his soul trying to think whether he might be joking but they couldn't see or notice any sense of humor on him.

"Are you being serious right now?" the mother speaks up and Yoongi nods innocently

"Hyung..." Jimin whines

"But what about Jimin? I know just how much you guys need each other" says the dad and Jimin agrees


"I'm fine about you moving out Yoongi since you can cook, do the laundry. I know you'll be able to take care of yourself but... I only let you go if you bring Jimin along with you"

On the weekend

"Jimin come on now, help me with this luggage!" Yoongi says as he we4nty back out to get his things. Everyone else was helping while Jimin was too busy looking around the house.

"Be right there!" he yells from the stairs.

When everything was inside the house, their parents wave them goodbye and told them to call whenever things don't work out as they always welcome back home. They enter the house and the first thing Jimin does is look inside the fridge.

"Nothing interesting" he pouts, closing the fridge door then running to Yoongi who was in the shower.

"Hyung I'm hungry," he says standing at the door.

"Uhmmm.... Look at the top cupboard in the kitchen, there should be instant noodles in there" he replies and Jimin nods walking away.

He looks for it and they found it, he boils water on the stove and waits for it to get hot. Yoongi comes out of the shower and got ready. After that, he meets up with Jimin who got the table ready.

"Wow, for the first time I didn't smell any burns!" Yoongi exclaims but only making Jimin feel guilty.

"Well... I tried not to" he chuckles, "I didn't make much. Just chicken and noodles" he shrugs seating next to him. Yoongi nods getting ready to dive in.


By 7 pm, they finally finished packing and they can now get some rest. They both rested on the couch, watching some random Tv shows that they both enjoyed. Jimin was resting extremely close to the older. He lays his head on his shoulder and his arms hug his lower waist but Yoongi didn't mind at all, it was pretty comfortable actually.

"Hyung..." Jimin calls out and he hums in response, "do you love me?" he asks and Yoongi looks over his shoulder. All he sees is Jimin's cat ears and his hair.

"Yes I do" he replies with a smile and without any hesitation. Jimin raises his head and stares back at him with a wide smile.

"Really?" he asked, surprised that he answers back immediately.

"Of course, was that unexpected?" he chuckles and Jimin nods, "well, expect the unexpected!" he stood up from his position and lay Jimin under him as he tickles him.

"Ah no!" giggles Jimin, as he tries to push Yoongi off of him but he felt weak. "S- Stop!" he keeps on giggling until Yoongi thought it was enough so he stops.

"I can't... breath" Jimin calms down and tries to get back at the older but he grabs him before then and laying him on his laps.

"Not fair," Jimin says staring at him in the eyes. The two stare at each other for a while before trying to do anything.

Jimin put his hand on Yoongi's shoulder as Yoongi lays his hands on his neck and then they move in closer until they're lips touched. They shared a slow but passionate kiss.

Okay, I admit this chapter was boring... 

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