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By the time Yoongi arrived, Jimin was already inside the emergency room. He met up with Jungkook and Taehyung who were seated on a bench next to the 'Emergency room'. He approaches them and asked,

"What happened? How did this happen?" he asked breathlessly. With visible tears at the corners of his eyes.

Taehyung stands up and turns his head around to take a good look at Yoongi. He wants to curse at him and beat him up so bad since this is all his fault but he doesn't have the courage to. But the heat inside of him was rising and he couldn't hold it back any longer.

"This is all your fault!" He approaches him and grabs on his wet clothes so tightly with his fist. Jungkook tries to remove his grip but you can sense the anger from his movement, "Why do you always hurt him! Don't you how hard he always try to do things for you but do you always act like some kind of scumbag! Huh! Who do you think you are!? Don't you know how he feels about you?"

"Taehyung enough!" Jungkook forcefully removes Tae's grip from Yoongi. Yes, he was also mad at him but he is better at keeping his anger in.

"Jimin fucking love you and all you do is hurt him, huh? Does that satisfy you?" Taehyung continues. He was heartbroken. But why was he the one hurt here? "Does it entertain you when you see him suffering, huh? Does it!? Answer me, you bitch!"

Jungkook finally stops Taehyung from doing anything else crazy. He hugged him to stop him from doing anything else as he sobs on his shoulder. Taehyung tries to get out of the hug but he felt so weak at this point, he had no energy left. Jungkook raises his chin and glare at Yoongi who was just standing there speechless.

"If anything happens to him, I swear..." Jungkook stops on his own words to control his emotions. Yoongi glances back at him to see why he stopped.

"I swear..." A tear left his eye. "I swear we won't forgive you for being such coward" After saying what's on his mind, he left with Taehyung by his side. At this point, age didn't even matter. They let their thoughts out and spoke the fact and nothing else but the facts.

Yoongi still stays there, standing at his position. Lips shaking, eyes filled with tears as they made their way down his cheeks. Was it really his fault? Did he really cause all of this? Did Jimin really love him? Wasn't it a joke? He kept asking himself these questions over, over and over again. Suddenly, out of the blue, he drops on the floor on his knees, lays his head on the bench and let out anything he had to.

What if Jimin doesn't come out alive?

Later that evening

It was now 6 pm by the clock on the wall that Yoongi kept on staring at. Finally, a doctor opens the door and was about to walk past Yoongi until he notices walked up to him and asked the doctor non-stop questions.

"Is Jimi- the patient okay? Is he in good shape? Is he breathing?" he asked with a shaky voice, afraid of what he's gonna hear next.

"Are you the patient family member or guardian?" The doctor asked and Yoongi nodded

"Y-yes, I'm his brother," Yoongi said with another shaky voice.

The doctor sigh before smiling, "He's fine" He said and Yoongi let out the biggest smile he ever has shown. "But..." the doctor added and that made Yoongi smile fade.

"He's unconscious right now" the doctor finishes his sentence as Yoongi tries to take all this information in


"He's unconscious right now and he might have a lost a little bit of his memory," The doctor said then left as he made his way to let the others know. Yoongi runs up to him to ask one more thing.

"M-ma- may I go in to just take a peek?" he asked and the doctor thought for a while before nodding.

"Sure, but don't take too long" the doctor answered then left once again.

Yoongi turns around and made his way to Jimin's room. He stood by the door as he couldn't go in. He felt too guilty to approach his brother. Jimin was laying on the bed with his eyes closed. There was a gauze wrapped around his head, an IV bag by his left side and any other necessary stuff inside the room to keep him warm and alive. His chest was rising and sinking, making Yoongi smile just seeing his brother alive.

Yoongi keep watching from afar but he also felt the need to see him closer, so he did so. He still feels bad but that doesn't stop him from approaching the younger. He sat down on a chair that was by his side and took a look at him. He tries to keep all the emotions he was feeling inside of him. He took Jimin's hand and hold it with his two hands. He brings his hand under his chin and let only a single drop of tear.

"Oh Jimin, what have I caused?"

Will I ever be forgiven?

Y'all ;'(

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