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Jimin turns around on his bed and lays on his left. He squints his eyes due to the brightness coming out from the window then open them up. He sits up after a while and stretches his arms as he yawns.

"I had the best sleep in a long time!" He says while yawning. Something then hit him. He looks around the room, at the ceiling, then at the floor. What exactly is he looking for?

"Was it a dream?" he asks himself. His ears point up and his tail freely swayed side to side behind. Not sure, he stands up and walks out of his bedroom after wearing his slippers, only to be embraced with the smell of pancakes taking over the air.

He started to wonder why would it smell like that in the morning. Yoongi usually sleeps till midday and he was definitively sure it wasn't him. so, does that mean his parents were back? 'No, It's too early' he thought.

When he got to the kitchen, he notices Yoongi who was preparing breakfast. He smiles when he saw him, then placing two empty plates on the table. After wiping his hand with the apron he was wearing, he says

"Hey Jimin, you're awake?" He asked, walking back to the sink to clean up a bit since he'll be doing that when they finish eating.

"Yeah...I am" Jimin look around then back at him, "but what's all this?" he walks around the table.

They were strawberries on the table, berries, pancakes, banana juice and a few others.

"Is someone coming over?" he asked. Yoongi laughs as he stands where he was and appreciating his hard work.

"Well, you're friends told me you didn't eat anything from the afternoon till night so I decided to make a lot of food for you and yes, you're friends said they were coming over" He removes his apron and walked to the table, but before seating, he waits for Jimin to seat first.

"They are? How come they didn't even let me know? Their best friend?" He said as he takes a seat and Yoongi follows after.

"Well Jimin, there is a word called 'surprise' so I believe they want to surprise you" Yoongi stated and Jimin nods. He looks down at the food and bit his lips staring at the food.

"So, when are they coming?" He looks at all the food, thinking of what to eat first.

"In the afternoon, I believe so" he replied, his eyes not leaving the food. Jimin nods, going back to his food.

Later that day.

'Yoongi has been dodging my questions of what happened yesterday. Was it right that it might have been just a dream?' Thought Jimin as he laid on his side, biting his nails. But he so sure that it wasn't a dream.

But now that he thinks about it, Yoongi didn't say anything about liking him back, all he said was, he'll give him a chance. Jimin bit his lips harder as he throws his pillow at the floor. He had so many emotion boiling inside him right now, and he'd like to release them but Yoongi was home and he doesn't want him to question him.

Jimin then stands up and tries to walk out his bedroom door so he can go and talk to Yoongi but before that could even happen, someone already opens his bedroom door.

"Hey Jimin!" Taehyung exclaimed, pushing past Jimin and jump on his bed with a loud thud then move his arms and leg up and down in a pattern. His dog tail swaying from side to side as his ears were standing up.

"Where do you think you are? A playground?" Jimin says, looking back at his friend who spread still playing.

"Calm down son" Taehyung finally stood up from his bed and sits up, "Now, any good news?" he smiles looking at Jimin walking to him and seats next to him and lays his head on his shoulder while his ears lay on his head. He had a disappointed expression on his face.

"What is it now?" Taehyung caresses the hair between his ears.

"He told me he'll give me a chance but-" Jimin doesn't even get to finish when Taehyung stops him to reply

"Oh my god, isn't that great news?" Taehyung stopped caressing his hair and hold Jimin by the shoulder so he can face him. But he still notices the sad expression in his face.

"Yeah, but he hasn't talked about the topic with me so I think he was just messing with me" Jimin stare at the floor.

"Don't be too, disappointed, I'm sure it's not like that" Taehyung reassures him but Jimin shakes his head.

Taehyung sighed. He looks around the room to find something to lift Jimin's spirit for the moment. They can talk about all this later. After looking for a while, he notices a game they can play for now.

"How about this, let's play Jenga for now, we can talk about all this later" Taehyung suggest as he walks to get the game from under Jimin's computer table.

"Well, I guess we could" Jimin smiles, walking up to him so they can sit on the carpet next to his window so they can play together.


"Hoseok listens, I already said I'm sorry for the last time. I'll make it up to you when I can" Yoongi says on the phone as he holds it close to his ear while standing next to the window as he looks out.

"Alright, how about I come to your house right now?" Hoseok replied on the other line.

"Right now? Well I guess you can" Yoongi nods as he speaks

"Okay, be there in 10 minutes"

What do you think Hoseok will try to do this time? 🤔 🤔 🙃

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