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Jimin arrive get off the bus and walked home. When he arrived, he opens the door with the spare keys his father gave him. He goes inside and no one was inside, of course. His brother comes back home an hour after him but after that he has work so he's kinda sad about staying home on his own while everyone has something to do.

He changes in his bedroom then walks to the kitchen to have a drink of water as he though about everything that happened today. Much has happened today.

He was bullied, then yelled by the teacher for coming to class late, made up with the bully and thanks to his boyfriend and having to let out his though to them, just too much for the first day, but he didn't mind it.

"Just what happened today?" He asked himself, leaning on the counter next to the sink.

"Why do you want to find out? If I was you, I'll rather not know" Taehyung is right but Jimin just doesn't want to accept it. He knows why he's doing this.

"I'm doing this for you hyung" he said still heads over cloud

"Doing what for me?" Yoongi opens the front door and made his way in, walking toward Jimin.

"Hyung? Why are you back so early?" Jimin asked curiously, he was nervous at this state, what if he understood? And mess this up?

"I had finished my work early so they gave me a pass to leave early" he smiled, then move to caress Jimin's hair, "why? Were you thinking about me?" He teases

"Hyung, why are you always teasing me?" Jimin whines and blushed while looking at the floor.

"Because you're easy to pick on" he removes his hand and walk to his bedroom to also get change.

"Hyung, do you want work today?" He yells from far because Yoongi was already out of sight

"Yeah" he responded and Jimin pouted. Even if his brother came home early, he still have leave, leaving him all by himself at home.


"Do you really have to leave? I'm scared here all by myself" he held onto his brother arms so he couldn't leave but Yoongi was already by the door

"Jimin, I just can't skip work to stay with you, I-"

"Why? Am I not that important?" He pouts

"No, that's not it. Of course you're important but I have to go. If you're really that scared, you can give me a call" Yoongi smiles and that reassure Jimin.

"Okay, but you better answer my calls" Jimin points his little index finger at Yoongi's face and all he could is laugh and nod

"Yes, I will, now I will get going" he waves at his brother before he made his leave and Jimin just watched him leave until he was no where in sight.

Jimin went back to the living room to pick up his phone and the first Hong he did is call Yoongi.

"I can't be that annoying right? I'm just making sure he's safe and making sure if he'll really answer the phone" he thought to himself.

Yoongi pick up he phone and answer "hello?"

"Hyung, you actually answered!" Jimin replied excited

"Jimin are you serious? It has not even been a minute!"

"I was just making sure of things, I'll get going now, bye" he hanged the phone before Yoongi could even add anything.

"This guys seriously..."


Yoongi came back home and it was 10pm. He walks inside he house with fatigue as he tries to make his way to his bedroom. When he arrived there, he was shocked by Jimin who was sleeping on his bed. Yoongi wants to slap his ass awake and kick him out of his bed but that'll be insane. Instead, he just got inside the bed and slept next to him. He was too sleepy to even think about anything else than counting sheep.

After a while, they doze of the sleep. Their parents were home and all the lights were shut. Jimin keeps turning around in the bed to find a good position to sleep but as he kept on, he got tired and opened his eyes. He immediately smiled as he saw who was sleeping peacefully in front of him. Yoongi.

He can't help it but to put a hand on his cheek to feel his the bond between his palm and Yoongi's cheeks and  another on his chest to feel his heartbeat.

"Hyung..." He didn't say this to try to wake him up but because he just wanted to say his name.

"What are you doing Jimin?"

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